Friday 27 February 2015

Nice to See That the RPGnet Reality-Bubble is Stronger Than Ever

Man, it feels like years since I've had reason to write a blog post bitching about RPGnet (or more aptly, "").  Honestly, after the debacles of the last few years they'd become almost irrelevant, no one takes them seriously anymore, most decent gamers who know better don't go there, most industry figures left there from the rampant hostility the forum displays to any games that don't fit their ruling clique's interest.

But someone pointed out to me a thread, 34 pages long as of writing this, where they were talking about the Escapist, and peppered it with blatant outright lies about me that everyone there has unanimously just accepted as truth. For 34 pages. 34 pages of repeated confirmation of totally verifiably untrue things, with not one statement of correction to be found, or indeed, even questioning or requesting a source.  Just blind fucking acceptance of what fits their imaginary bullshit 'narrative'.

In the alternate universe that exists only in their own minds, I'm apparently a gamergater and an MRA, who has been hired to write for "The Escapist's MRA site".  Do I have a goatee and go around wearing a fancy sash, too?  Oh, oh!! Do I get a cool scar on my face that makes it clear I'm Alternate-Universe Pundit?

Motherfucking morons.

This pretty much sums up why no one should ever take them seriously; it's a pity that there's still a number of gamers (RPG gamers, not 'gamergaters' or whatever) who write there out of a naive belief in all the years of bullshit propaganda they've laid on theRPGsite, in spite of -or, let's face it, BECAUSE of- theRPGsite being a much better place to actually talk about RPGs.   These are people who never once bothered to check if their stories were true.

And likewise, over on Tangency, we see thirty-four fucking pages of people saying, with no backing evidence, no links, no nothing, that I'm apparently a gamergater/MRA writing for "an MRA site".

You can say a lot of things about, but it very clearly has fuck all to do with the "men's right movement', and little if anything to do with 'gamergate'.   But hey, when has something like REALITY ever stopped these assholes?  Even the most cursory glimpse of the site would make the lie totally obvious, as you could review page after page of it and what you'd find is a large variety of Libertarian and Conservative viewpoints, but nary a page of writing about either of those subjects.

Maybe I was being called a gamergater for my recent article in support of Net Neutrality? Is that something gamergaters support? I wouldn't know, because I'm not even a (video) gamer, in the sense of literally not playing any video games, unless my sole computer-game addiction to Candy Crush, counts (level 518, bitches!)?

Or wait, maybe I'm an MRA-er because of the article I wrote there where I talked about how it's crucially important that women in general and feminists in particular be engaged in the study of History at universities?

No, I don't think it's either of those.  I think its just a couple of people willingly and intentionally LYING about me, and a whole mass of imbeciles choosing to accept that lie, sight unseen, with nary a link of proof to back it up. Because they desperately want to exist in an artificial reality where anyone who doesn't think like they do must, of necessity, be guilty of everything they want to define as evil.  

I'm waiting now to see them accuse me of transphobia (they've already all but done it by association now) in spite of what I said on the subject not two days ago in terms of why a show like I Hit It With My Axe is really important, while tearing homophobic asshole John C. Wright a new one (yet somehow keeping my job intact, in spite of Defy Media's "purgings" of people who are pro-LGBT; oh wait, right, that's only happening in Imaginary RPGnet Alternate-Universe, which seems more like a projection of the kind of ideological fascism they get wood for over there).
And, you know, writing the first RPG ever to feature a heroic trans character on the cover.

Bubble away, assholes.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Solitario Egg + Gawith's Navy Flake


  1. I did a search up and down page 34 and you are never mentioned on that page

    1. I'm mentioned in several places throughout the thread, from about p.4 or 5 onward. Or are you trying to claim I'm not mentioned in the thread at all, "truth"-sayer?

    2. I never said you weren't mentioned in the thread, you made it sound like you were mentioned on page 34 and I was simply pointed out you werent. Your own words:

      "But someone pointed out to me a thread, 34 pages long as of writing this, where they were talking about the Escapist, and peppered it with blatant outright lies about me that everyone there has unanimously just accepted as truth."

      All I am pointing out is what you wrote was unclear and confusing. Now that you said it was page 4 or 5 I will go back and see what they wrote

    3. I checked again, starts on p.9. A guy named Tanka makes the blatantly untrue accusation and everyone takes off on it from there.

    4. If thney're lying about you why not sue for slander, defamation, libel, etc? Skrotos seems terrified of lawsuits or just the threat of lawsuits.

    5. Because legally, forums are generally disclaimed against the comments of individual posters therein.

    6. You could ask the slandering posts be taken down, then threaten to sue. Hell, look at all the times tsr and other game companies threatened to sue boards if posts they didn;t like weren't removed.

  2. If you're such a fucking "truth"sayer, why don't you go to that thread and tell them exactly how they're LYING? For a "truth"sayer you seem to pretty regularly take the side of fucking liars, don't you?

    1. Still off the handle like you always are. I never said I am taking their side nor do I post at that cesspool. I think the whole gamergate thing is shit anyway, a bunch of geeks looking for something to get all riled up about.

    2. I don't give a fuck about gamergate, have nothing to do with it, and has not had one article on Gamergate the entire time I've worked for them.

  3. Replies
    1. Men Right Activist which some of them do have solid points. Especially when you look at divorce courts and how much favortism women have over men. I talk with former social workers that eventually got fed up with the system and quit their jobs because they believe the courts don't care for the children at all. Instead the courts only care how the ex-wives even if they are the worst parent of the two.

      This is not they are all perfect. There are some MRA members that just as bad as radical feminists. Which we as a society do not want.

    2. Eh, I think they need to shut up and play some rpgs and stop working themselves into a frenzy. That place ( in general) has become a cesspool

    3. The MRA movement is insanely anti-feminist, to the point of conspiracy theorist levels of nutbar thinking, and most of the men involved in it have what I'd call very classic misogynist attitudes (not in the modern sense like "you are a man therefore you are misogynist" or even in the slightly older version of "if you don't support enforced quotas for women in the workplace/government/comics/whatever you are a misogynist", but in the really classic original version like displaying near-psychopathic levels of hatred and distrust for all women.

      As someone who has strong criticisms of big swathes of the modern feminist movement, I still wouldn't touch the MRA movement with a ten-foot-pole.

  4. I was totally with you up until the Candy Crush disclosure... how could you?

    1. It's The Wench's fault. She started playing and then got me into it. Again, literally the ONLY computer/video/tablet game I play, period.

    2. Only semi-obsessively, mind you. Never spent a cent on it, no connecting it to facebook, no annoying others with it. I just play my five lives a day (or twice a day, sometimes).

  5. What the F is a candy crush?

    Honestly you kids today talk in code.

  6. John c. Wright is a brilliant and talented writer.

    1. LOL. Yeah, he would have been in the progressive vanguard of court at the time of the Black Death.

    2. He may or may not do good sci-fi, I don't know, I haven't read him. But as an essayist? He's worthless, because his ideas are.

  7. Not worthless, clearly, as he sells a fair number of books full of them.

    His collection of Essays on science fiction, 'Transhuman and Subhuman," is funny and worth a read.
