Wednesday 7 October 2015

Conference on Whether Feminists Have a Problem With Free Speech Bans Any Speaker They Disagree With

I don't usually do two political posts in a row on here (especially now that I try to save them for, but my Sertorius review is never-ending (it is a nearly 500 page book, after all), and this is just too funny/tragic.

A conference in Manchester University was organized on the subject of "Does modern Feminism have a problem with Free Speech?"

Before the conference ever happened, Feminists made sure the answer was "Yes, without a doubt".

How?  They made the Manchester SU ban two of the announced speakers. Milo Yiannopoulos, the fantastically gay rising star of the Cultural Libertarian movement, and Julie Bindel, a lesbian radical feminist and writer for the Guardian.

So Feminists, when asked whether they have a problem with free speech, respond by banning a gay man and a lesbian woman from speaking because these two don't support the ideological narrative-bubble the feminists want to push on the world.

Seriously, we've gotten to maximum self-parody here. There's no fucking way to tell the difference anymore between things that Pseudo-activists actually do, and mockery of the same.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these assholes?!  How do they imagine they can keep pretending for a second that they believe in free speech, when they BAN PEOPLE FROM SPEAKING at a motherfucking FREE SPEECH CONFERENCE??!


Fuck it. I'm done playing nice with these pieces of human excrement.  They have betrayed the spirit of academia, the traditions of western civilization and its freedoms, and they have the ridiculous arrogance to think that this gang of under-educated intellectual fashionistas with delusions of grandeur have some kind of moral superiority that entitles them to run everyone else's life.  They deserve all the insult and mockery any of us can throw at them.  They aren't even worth arguing with now; just making fun of. This stupid gang of fuckers need to be treated like the mental defectives they are and not given the benefit of any kind of attempt at sincere discourse, because they have gone above and beyond proving that they don't have the slightest bit of principles or the least bit of intellectual rigor to make that discourse worth it.

They need to be laughed at, constantly, and if they cry and play the victim card, Good! Let them play it over and over again at people saying mean things to them until everyone else is sick to death of these stupid fuckers and their whining privileged sense of self-importance, where disagreement is 'harassment' and insult is 'rape culture' and laughter is 'assault' (and clapping is 'patriarchy').  These moral and intellectual cowards who lack the backbone to defend their flawed and worthless ideas on a level playing field, and instead want to resort to censorship to silence those they know they couldn't defeat in debate. Let them cry wolf until no one will ever pay attention to their whining ever again. Let them be mocked off the stage.

Let's up the game, until the farce gets to be just too much for the common man, and they reject the nonsense and drivel and flawed dangerous ideology of civilizational destruction these shitheads are selling.

You thought I was "problematic" before? I've got a Twitter account now, bitches. You ain't seen nothing yet.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Poker + H&H's Beverwyck


  1. be careful on Twitter, disagreeing with someone now counts as "harassment" and you can be reported for that

    1. I was having a bit of trouble getting your point there, so I ran it through google translate and it came out as "their whiny tears will make you more famous".

      I think we're good to go.

    2. You need a thumbs up feature on your comments because that one was brilliant.

  2. You'll go bananas when you read about femnists are teying to have the UN censor the Internet.

    1. I actually already commented on that in yesterday's Everyjoe article.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You know, seen from 'the other side', your conservative rants also provide some great entertainment. I'm not certain Twitter needs yet another right-wing megalomaniac though.

    1. So you're against free speech then?

    2. I'm more of a magical maniac.

    3. Nice alliteration. You should put that on your business cards.

      Matt Celis, I was expecting your comment to be something like "What's a Feminist" but, if you want to know, I don't believe in free speech, the same way as I don't believe in a free market. I'm not against the idea so much as I don't think it can ever be made into a reality.

  6. I appreciate the dark irony of the situation, but is there any evidence that it was actually _Feminists_ who banned the two, as you present it?

    1. Yes, there was. Bindel was banned first due to complaints from feminist-trans activists (Bindel is a 2nd wave radfem who denies that transgender women are 'real women'). Then they banned Milo for being a "rape culture apologist".

  7. Welcome to the War, Pundit. I know a year ago, you weren't really into the GamerGate issue, but now you see what's been going on there, and more importantly how it's a wider issue, especially as it relates to tabletop RPGs and - well - everything else. These termites have been eating away behind the walls of every hobby for years, and it's finally coming to light. It's interesting, really - I imagine with a little bit of research someone could produce a timeline of when all the Special Snowflakes went to College, what classes they took, who their professors were, and develop an entire thesis for the origins of this insane, wide-spread, and suddenly dangerous campaign to change society from within.

  8. Oh, also, you've just put a huge target on yourself, as evidenced by some of the replies you've already gotten here. I have no doubt you've got the moxie to fight back effectively, but you're on their radar now. Good luck - we're all counting on you.

  9. One would think all liberals, or those who claim to be liberal or progressive or whatever the new term is, would be in favor of free speech 100% of the time with no exceptions. These new liberals aren't liberal in the least; they are authoritarian/totalitarians in line with the various mass murderers of history whose deeds they invariably excuse or deny happened or claim are somehow mitigated.

    1. Really? One would think that is a pretty ridiculous thing to think if one was familiar with human beings of any ideological stripe. Free speech is a great umbrella right, but the majority of liberals are perfectly fine with limiting it in certain narrow cases (yelling fire in a movie theater, child pornography, etc). But such fine gradiations of thought may be too hard to see for the Right Wingers wistfully looking back to the days of slavery, legal rape and genocide.

    2. Because "you suck" is the equivalent of child porn or inciting murder, right?

      Don't worry, someone has been arrested for hate speech who was one of the most abusive hatemongers on the internet (even literally posting hashtags calling for mass murder). Only problem is, she was on the left.

      And now Quinn and Sarkeesian find themselves in an even tighter spot trying to pretend that what they want is anything other than a carte blanche for their side to be as abusive as they want while the other will be literally outlawed from posting even the mildest of dissent.

    3. Nope. Never said that childish insults were equivalent to felony crimes. Never even said that childish insults were the same as violent threats.That's a untrue statement and I will not allow you to pretend that is what I said.

      Someone has been arrested somewhere for something to prove or disprove any point you want to make. I gave not a damn who Quinn or Sarkeesian are or what they have done. If you look at every single group of people of considerable size, from the hippies to the Nazis, from the Conservatives to the Liberals, you will find someone to condemn and someone to praise for some action performed on some day.

      None of that alters the fact that saying "all liberals should be in favor of free speech 100% of the time with no exceptions" is a ridiculous statement that doesn't match any reasonable version of reality. Are all conservatives in favor of free and easy access to guns for all people 100% of the time? I think not. Are all conservatives against abortion in all cases 100% of the time? No.

      In the real world, real people and groups of real people actually display sometimes contradictory behavior, and gradients of behavior that do not fit into convenient little exclusionary groups.

    4. But sarkeesian and quinn want to make childish insults into felony crimes. And the leftist media consistently has their back.

  10. Replies
    1. Yes but there are barely any liberals left, much less liberals with public influence and voice, who are not of the 'regressive left' variety (Pseudo-activists).
      I saw Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins chatting last week, and it was so sad. It was like they were the last survivors of a zombie apocalypse, looking at each other and asking "what the fuck just happened?"

    2. I saw the interview and I agree with you. It seems that old school liberals are a diminishing breed on the left. Although I do see a lot of in-fighting happening, as liberals won't take it anymore from regressive authoritarians.

    3. I hope that turns out to be true.
