Tuesday 24 November 2015

Non-Everyjoe Tuesday: Children of the Corn Edition

So this week feels like the first time in quite a while I don't have an Everyjoe article to share, but instead I'm going to share something else with you, which should terrify you.

A social psychologist went to a high school, to talk about freedom of speech, and discovered that the kids coming up are, if anything, much much worse than the current crop of spoiled fascist brats at the universities.

I mean seriously, they sound like the fucking Children of the Corn.  The way the students are described as acting, it's like something out of a horror movie where a town's kids have been replaced with hive-consciousness pod-people.

Fuck's sake.

Things for free thought in the west are going to get far far worse, before they get better, unless some radical change happens.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Oversize + H&H's Beverwyck


  1. Time to dump this system and revert to proper apprenticeships again. Cut out all of the unnecessary bullshit, get men into work that matters faster, and avoids all of the PC disease complex.

  2. Study is flawed, and because of all the social science that is missing from its design, it qualifies as pop-science. Here is what's wrong with it: Nobody expects you to stand up and talk about your erectile dysfunction in front of a group of strangers on an elevator. It has nothing to do with your freedom of speech versus fascism, but with your privacy and a sense of personal comfort. There are levels of talk - from small talk at work, to heavy personal stuff you will only share with a very close friend or your priest or your pastor. In the aforementioned flawed social experiment of yours, whoever did this, conflated fascism with tact and social embarrassment by taking a bunch of kids from a tightly knit group and asking them for their comfort levels when broaching potentially divisive topics laden with negative stereotypes to their peers. These are privileged kids from a prep school, bound for Ivy League and later professional practices and the boards of directors, where tact is everything. Really, you remind me of James Maliszewski, who confused design and writing with random dungeon generation. Such naivete...

    1. WTF study are you even talking about? This was a guy who gave a speech at a school. You are very clearly nothing but a troll; judging by your mentioning JMal, I'd bet one from SomethingAwful/YDIS.

    2. Did you imply having republican parents is on the same level of embarrassment has having erectile dysfunction ?

    3. Only if they adore Nazis or run around wearing bedsheets and burning crosses at night, or want to support separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, as some on the extremes of right and left in the US and elsewhere are wont to do.

  3. Pundit,

    You would make a global judgment regarding the state of free speech in the West that you don't live in based on something specious done by someone out of his depth?

  4. You must have a different understanding of The West from the rest of the planet. Come on, who is this? Pseudo? Hmm, no... he wasn't this stupid.
    Maybe you're someone new?

  5. I can just guess that Bear is mixing West and First World, just guessing

    This should be interesting, please continue guys :)

  6. Pirone,

    Bear is not mixing anything. The overwhelming majority of Pundit's commentary concerns the cultural and political events in the United States, and my commentary concerns the United States as well. Bear is well aware, may be more so than Pundit, that even among the countries of the first world, traditionally associated with the ***West***, i.e. the US, UK, France and Germany, there is very significant variance and interpretation with regards to the freedom of speech, freedom of expression, religious liberties, powers of the State etc. Responding to Pundit's comment I said the West, following Pundit's suit, but I meant the US.

    1. I'm pretty sure that I've lived in a lot more western countries than you have (including the U.S., in various different regions), and I'm sure Meyer has lived in more than both of us.

    2. Can you ban people in blogger? I mean in a ignore list type of banning.

    3. Pundit,

      I doubt it, at least as far as the US is concerned. I am fortunate to work for a very large company and I was assigned to enough locations to have driven the backroads of almost every state in the continental US.

      I have not traveled as much internationally, again, only for work, but I have seen enough of the world to know what I am talking about.

      Happy Thanksgiving.
