Thursday 31 December 2015

Happy New Year

Well, that's the end of 2016, or almost (7 hours away in my 'hood). It was one hell of a year.  Intense ups and downs, all the fucking way. But all things considered, I'm definitely ending the year in a stronger personal position than when I started.

To all my readers and faithful fans, I wish you a very happy new year, and let's hope 2016 is the year where Old School RPG gaming takes it to a whole other level.  I just got us started a bit early with Dark Albion.

As for next year, what do I have planned?

First, watch for Dark Albion: Cults of Chaos, to come out sometime in the first quarter of next year.
Second, I'm going to be doing a special something with another well-known OSR game designer, a product for one of his settings.

Third, yet another very well-known OSR game designer (not the same dude as above) is slated to do something for one of my settings.

After that? Who knows. Sooner or later, I'll be making a book for my epic gonzo DCC campaign, but I don't know if that'll be done, or even started, next year.

In any case, I'm not planning to go anywhere, the Great Architect willing, and I'm sure I'll be doing a lot to entertain, outrage, and astound y'all next year.


Currently Smoking; Lorenzetti Solitario Horn + Gawith's Navy Flake


  1. Happy new year and thanks again for that treasure trove of source material - and also for your reviews, especially the for AFF one which got me back to actually playing with real people instead of aimlessly trolling OSR forums (this last one is sincere). Long may you run (but not to far).
