Friday 12 February 2016

Submit your Questions/Rant-Topics

Have you ever had something you wanted me to answer for you?

Ever had something you wanted to know my opinion on?

Something you just wanted to see me totally bitchslap?

Here's your chance: submit your questions, topics for discussion, or things you hope I could rant about in the comments below.

Note: the RPGPundit reserves the right to accept or decline any submissions. Answers when given might not be to your liking or satisfaction.


Currently Smoking: Castello 4K Collection Canadian + Image Latakia


  1. I want to hear what game systems would make a good fit in your Dark Albion setting. I've purchased the product, but I'm on the fence about what game system to use.. an article looking at various settings and how they fit would be interesting, and quite helpful.

    1. Thanks! As you were the first up, I've answered your question first. You can find the answer in today's blog entry.
      Everyone else, your questions may be answered in the coming days or weeks. Keep your eyes open.

  2. What I love to see is a entire honest topic about world of darkness. Yes this is bitch slap material. Hell go for the entire companies while your at it. Have fun ripping them a new one.

    1. Wow... Some guy told me something that is interesting in therpgsite. Now I seriously want you to go after the companies cause there is a lot of dirt people should know.

    2. Thanks for the response. I think it was orphan that told me in therpgsite. Basiclly how white wolf fuck over their larp fan base so they can get some more cash.

    3. Also I am sorry that my response was late. I didn't get any notification that you did respond.

    4. I don't think I have enough information about that to really key into it. Also, does White Wolf even still exist anymore?

    5. Paradox Interactive brought it back to life and the guy handling the RPGs sounds worst than the old guys.

  3. I'd like to read your opinion about "new school" D&D, that is 3.5E/4E, as I got the impression (am I right?) that you are closer to the Old School in your tastes and views.

    1. Well, I answered this question today. Hope it was to your liking.

  4. I want to know your take on the mini controversy about Tim Kask, and his game at Totalcon.

    1. You'll need to give me some more information. I kind of missed this.

    2. Tim was hosting a game for Totalcon. With this description
      "For Ladies Only—This adventure is written specifically for the wives, girlfriends and daughters of gamers, as well as those females wishing to delve into the field without a lifelong commitment. It has been boiled down to the basics of role-playing as it used to be: A sheet of paper, some dice, a pencil and some numbers on that paper accompanied by an open mind and a sense of adventure. Ladies, come see what the fuss is about." Predictably some took him to task for being sexist in suggesting something about women being newbies. Zak S wrote his take on i, calling for Tim to apologize, I guess.. And now the drama club has another reason to blame old school gamers for their troubles, or something like that.


    4. I have now answered this in today's blog entry.

  5. Is any of your Internet persona real, or are they all created for the purpose of maintaining anonymity?

    1. I have now answered this in today's blog entry.

  6. The Star Wars RPGs from Fantasy Flight Games...

  7. Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you conceive that to be?

  8. I'm interested in seeing what you would do to change OSR magic system, from Vancian to a new method not using spell points.

  9. Playing with young children (6-9 y.o.). Do you do it sometimes ? Is it really different from an adult game ? Do you have any advice ?

  10. Thanks for the answers mate much appreciated. Have you seen The LotFP playtest and James "new" magic system? We are using it and really liking it a heck of a lot. I don't know about the unique spell failures but I'm loving the casting and overcasting. In deed the majority of the playtest materials are really nailing the game I like. I've always had an issue with the way D&D play changes at the various levels. I tend to favour the low levels finding that the game sort of naturally concludes for us around lvl 9. It's been over a decade since we have played higher then that. I really do love the demonology in DA it's great. We have an on again off a gain game of Crimson Blades and enjoy the summoning in that too - it reminds us of our thirteen yr old selves playing Elric. I got killed by a wish to a demon of desire when it deliberately fulfilled my request for a sword of power which it delivered in my greed I picked it up only to be dominated by the blade into using it as a stool. Very ...colourful. The character I then rolled up as an armless one legged beggar with a 42% head butt. So every time I have demonology in a game I love it. Lol

    1. I have not seen the new LotFP magic system. How does it work?

    2. There are no spell lvls. Starting magic users get three random spells from the lists and you get more as you level ( find or learn). The MU can prepare a spell per MU lvl they have. They can safely cast one spell per each MU lvl in one day. The cast spell can be of any magnitude up to the MUs current lvl ( I.e. All spells scale). MUs can cast more but can spell-fail, for nasty results if you fail a magic save ( playtest rules have only two save types Magic and Other). The Magic save is modified by a set of casting requirements. Each absent requirement gives -1 on the roll. If a fail occurs the MU rolls a d12 on a failure chart unique for their spell for "wrong-bad-stuff".
      Note:- the playtest rules use a d6 pool mechanism for saves. It's stich that a partial success is more common then a full fail or success ( we are not sold on the save part). The casting needs some interpretation as it stands right now because it's using the normal spell write ups from LotfP but we have the feel of it ... It's good. Strange but good. I'm sure you could get James to share the playtest rules with you, he is after feedback. Normally you need to be a Gardening club member to get the playtest

    3. This strikes me as a bit too far. The way I like to do it is how I wrote it up in Dark Albion's Appendix P rules.

    4. Fair'nuf too. In play it's good. I totally agree that it forks LotFP from D&D a bit too far. I forgot to mention there is only one spell casting class now based of the MU, I mentioned saves, there are a couple of new skills and every stat has a role now. Backward compatibility is still there. I was unsure it would be so we are doing Barrowmaze with the playtest rules and it's a one-to-one match abet, with different resolution. The saveing-throws are the bridge too far for us. However, I like that James is being more DIY then just cloning, on the one hand. On the other, I don't want to lose LotFP as my go to B/X ruleset. Ultimately the playtest rules are the way I do want to play D&D so I'm a proponent having used them in play.
      The whole play test focuses on creating a game experience that has the feel of low level play even once you have half a dozen lvls under your belt. I think that's an achievement. I think - dare I say it - it's a new game for playing Dungeon fantasy.

    5. Well, if you don't like his saves, you might not much care for my Appendix P rules.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
