Sunday 26 June 2016

Fantastic Video Review of Dark Albion!

So, here's the Savage GM, giving us a very emphatic review of Dark Albion.  It's great, very thorough, and you can totally feel the enthusiasm he has for the book in it! Check it out:

A couple of notes:

1. I definitely got inspiration from Game of Thrones, but besides that I probably got as much inspiration from Shakespeare's historical saga plays.

2. I'm really happy he liked the Appendix P house rules! I do want to note that while Savage GM points out that "you advance in level very quickly", from level 0 to level 3 or so, I would also note that a key of the system (and why it works in Albion's low-level environment, a characteristic of the setting the video pointed out) is that after that you start to advance a lot slower.  So the rules let you get up to "expert" level faster than most OSR games but then lingers longer in what I feel is that sweet-spot between levels 4-9.

3. I totally get what he means by it, but I do think its adorable that the Savage GM associates "Cornwall" with "elegance".  For viewers who've never been to the UK, that's a bit like associating "Arkansas" with "decorum".

4. By some bizarre twist of fate, the Savage GM's real life accent (at least, I assume it's real) sounds almost exactly like the accent I use when I'm playing Zeke Bodean, Scriptural Archeologist in my DCC campaign. I couldn't let this entry go without pointing that out.

Anyways, check out the video, +1 it, like it, and Tell The People all about the awesomeness that is Dark Albion!


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Volcano + H&H's Beverwyck


  1. Terrific review in scope and detail. Much better than those vague ones that just say "this is great" but never get around to specifics as to why. Book looks beautiful and the map on the bag really is a great use of space that is usually wasted on book covers. I am excitedly anticipating the arrival of my copy (alternative cover). I'm thinking about discarding the magic and demons and monsters and using it simply for playing in that era/setting. Using Flashing Blades rather than D&D-style rules, as they seem better constructed for this world.

    1. Shoot, I meant Pendragon not Flashing Blades. Ivanhoe meets War of the Roses or something.

  2. Love how the closed captions turn his Canadian accent into non sequiturs.

    1. Canadian??? Dude, that is NOT a Canadian accent. It's a southern US accent.

    2. Not from any state I've been tell. I just said Canadian as a joke because I was imagining the Canadian Pundit sounding like that.

  3. Lol my accent is real for sure. Thanks for spotlighting the video. Hope it helps spread the word.

    1. I'm sure it will! It's a benefit of writing a review of a pundit product!

      It's crazy that way: I'm so huge that if I review your product, you get more sales; but if you review my product, you get more hits!

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