Friday 10 June 2016

The Cults of Chaos Cover, & A Contest Where YOU Could Get a Free Copy

So, without further ado, here is the cover to the upcoming Dark Albion supplement, Dark Albion: Cults of Chaos!

Pretty good, huh?  Dominique Crouzet is a spectacular publisher, and all credit for this (and the awesome layout of Cults of Chaos, which will be very similar to that of Albion itself) goes to his genius. Well, him and renaissance painter Michael Pacher, whose piece above was from the actual period the Dark Albion chronology covers.

In case any of you haven't heard yet, Cults of Chaos is a nearly-100 page sourcebook that will be covering everything you need regarding Chaos in the world of Dark Albion.  You get material in there on how to design a medieval-authentic Chaos Cult from scratch, with tons of great random tables and a cult-generation system that creates unique cults from the whole gamut of Albion's sects and social classes.

You also get material on the different major chaos cult-beliefs, heresies, witchcraft, and how all of these operate. There's also a full selection of rules on mutations, on medieval-style familiars (not the friendly animal buddies of a typical D&D game, but rather a demon in animal form), planetary spirits, witch-marks, chaos artifacts, the elusive alchemical elixir of immortality, star-cults and beings from the stars, the horrifying Dark Albion elves (which from playtests will be guaranteed to put the fear into your PC party), tons and tons of random tables, and much much more (including several excellent dungeons)!

While the book is made specifically for the Dark Albion setting, any old-school gamer (or fantasy gamer period) is likely to find a ton of material they can port over to their own settings of choice, particularly if they want to add a taste of medieval authenticity.

It will be coming out relatively soon, but if YOU want to get ahold of it even earlier, for free, I have been authorized to select one lucky fan to get a Review Copy (of the proof edition, which may still have a couple of typos but will otherwise be exactly like the final version) before the book even comes out.

How can you be that lucky fan?  Simple, comment on this blog entry and tell me why YOU should be the one to get to review our product.  You get extra points if you have a proven history of producing decent RPG reviews, if you're a well-known blogger, OSR personality, or if we think you'll otherwise be able to produce a top-quality review. But everyone is welcome to post and give me their reason why they think they're the ones who would get to review our book.  Feel free to trash-talk the other contestants, we're doing this Thunderdome style.

The winner will be decided in three or four days, so don't hesitate!

Note: we are not requiring a positive review, only an honest one, though we feel pretty sure anyone who checks out Cults of Chaos will think it a very worthwhile product.  We will want you to produce the review fairly quickly after receiving the book. Because of the unfortunate necessities of shipping, applicants MUST be from either North America or Europe (sorry about that).

And if you're not the lucky winner of our contest, don't lose heart, Cults of Chaos will be out shortly at what I think is a pretty reasonable price.  Keep checking this blog (or wherever you found it), as we'll be announcing the release date soon.


Currently Smoking: Neerup Hawkbill + Image Virginia


  1. Well I've done YouTube Overview videos of RPGs in the past and I really need to do another video soon to get me back on the horse. I've become lazy and need a push. Cults of Chaos can give me just the push I need. I've been chomping at the bit for this book after reading Dark Albion. I've recently heard that some people pulled the trigger and ordered books because of watching my YouTube videos. That's a pretty good feeling. So yeah, pick me will ya?

    1. share the link to your videos.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I liked your DCC review. Do you already own Dark Albion?

    5. Yes sir. This is Brandon Goeringer from Twitter.

    6. Oh and thanks about the dcc video, many dcc fans seemed to have checked it out and liked it.

  2. I've used Dark Albion over the past year and even recommended a higher profile blog in the past for a video of Dark Albion. Not this time Pundit I want this book yesterday. Mark my words I will get this book regardless of this contest and it will be mine.
    Cults of Chaos is the book that I need not want. This guy doesn't need a push, he needs to be buried in a mound of skulls after being sacrificed to the very beings that the book purports to be about. So get me a flay knife and let's get to work. I've actually used Dark Albion and played with the book and you know that I don't sit on my ass waiting to make videos I deliver reviews and commentaries each and everyday damn day. I've also got a background with Fantastic Heroes and Witchery which is my house system. Did I mention that I personally pulled the trigger on my own copy of Dark Albion which should be here by June Fifteenth? So yeah, bring on the Chaos and let the blood reign on Dark Albion!

    1. good start. Where would your review be posted?

  3. Ok, guy from Spain here. Opened my blog just a month ago. I know you'd be making a leap of faith here, but you will be giving me the chance to prove I can tear your book apart if needs be (or praise, if needs not). Plus, you'd be getting a bilingual review! Fuck well-known bloggers and OSR personalities. You need a humble voice.

    1. Hmm, I know I'm popular in Spain (being recently interviewed in Rol Salvaje). What's your blog address? Share it with us!


  4. Not only do I write game reviews, but I am the only person who has, or will enter this contest who is verifiably not a puppet of the Gnomish Shadow Government or otherwise a supporter of Big Gnome...

    1. That is a very important detail. You just got 10 points.
      Now, where do you post your reviews?

    2. My present online home is

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. DM BWHAHAHAHA! Why take a chance on some unknown quality? Get your reviews from a well established source and not some fly by night blogger who open their blog what a month ago? Yeah this sounds like an absolutely great idea!
    "I know you'd be making a leap of faith here, but you will be giving me the chance to prove I can tear your book apart if needs be (or praise, if needs not)." Yeah this sounds like a fucking balanced review. Not!
    Com'n you know your going to want someone whose not afraid to go toe to toe with Cults of Chaos and not blink at doing a detailed and really critical review. Fuck the fly by nights their in my way of that review!

    1. Man, you sure know how to bark loud.

    2. You've got moxy. That's 5 points for you.

  6. Yeah, but its that sacrificial knife you've got to watch out for.

    1. Self-importance: This cursed blade only sacrifices it's wielder's dignity.


      This one?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jesus, what a bunch of cheapskates. Just buy the damn thing when it's ready.

    1. My money is on Needles winning. He wants it and is willing to spill blood.

  8. I have experience with nearly all types of rpg systems. I have a passion for rpg's. I'm honest and feel that my preferences are my own though there are games that may not be my cup of tea bUT are great games regardless.

    1. Domanski? Looks like a contraction of DOM and Urbanski. Strange...

  9. I have experience with nearly all types of rpg systems. I have a passion for rpg's. I'm honest and feel that my preferences are my own though there are games that may not be my cup of tea bUT are great games regardless.

  10. Passions for rpg's are one one thing but the willingness to go that extra mile to grab the chance to review this is another. Sure you guys might be willing wait for this to hit the shelves this only proves the point that they are not worthy of seeing or reviewing Cults of Chaos.
    These bloggers and reviewers are not even using the Dark Albion material currently?! I'm right at the moment in the midst of writing campaign stuffing using Dark Albion. So what is the point of giving Cults of Chaos to reviewers and bloggers who are not even using the books to play. Reviewing is one thing but actually knowing the material is another. Besides do anyone one of these folks know the history of the War of the Roses and the blood & thunder that went into the battles that the supporters of royal the House of Plantagenet, those of Lancaster and York.
    I seen everyone talking about how worthy they are of reviewing the product and why but not a single mention of the importance of this book a Dark Albion campaign!?
    Give me the book to review and let the pretenders who supposedly play with Dark Albion slink back to the shadows Pundit.

    1. You get 10 bonus points for having written about Dark Albion and told people about the contest on your blog!

  11. Thanks but none of you lot stand a chance! MUHAHAHA the gods of Chaos shall drench Dark Albion in hellfire!
    Thanks RpgPundit!

  12. Pundit, will this book have appendix rules for Fantastic Heroes & Witchery like Dark Albion has, such as new classes, spells, new special abilities, more talents for existing classes, etc and the like??

    I LOVE FH&W and that appendix was one of the highlights of an already excellent book (Dark Albion) for me.

    Also any chance we could see a Knight of the Star (sp?) official class FH&W style? I know you provided down & dirty rules for them but I want a FH&W style writeup, full 13 levels.

    1. It will have some very neat stuff, but it will not have specific FH&W material. Not that I recall, anyways. Dominique Crouzet wrote nearly half of the book, though.

      I don't know how you could have the Knights of the Star as a class, since they'd have to be a kind of Prestige-Class. And you have to be at least 9th level to qualify.

    2. No sorry, this book is not about new classes, spells and such. There is a FH&W supplement in the pipeline, but in the far future (end of 2017 maybe): 250 pages of new classes, spells, and sci-fi stuff. Frankly, Cults of Chaos didn't need any new classes/spells, and it was meant for any OSR ruleset, not just FH&W. The stuff in it is geared at the GM, to ease his/her job and fuel his/her imagination.

  13. I should review the Cults of Chaos because because it wuld be my first review and I always wanted to! Also I don't have a vagina real or fake like some of these guys.

  14. Pundit,

    I’m interested in doing a review of Dark Albion Cults of Chaos and submitting the review to Knights of the Dinner Table (Kenzer & Company) Magazine.

    Coming up on a year of doing these reviews pretty regular, but I would be more interesting in doing the review with a PDF product.

    Are you Indy enough sir? At least you won't have to fork over the dough for shipping-

    J.L. Duncan

  15. ANNOUNCEMENT: RPGPundit will choose his winner to get a free printed copy... THEN, I will choose a second winner for another free copy!

  16. I've been looking to join a cult so this book seems like a good place to start. As for my rpg fame? At the local game store I'm know as the guy who rants about how I could make a much better game than anything out there but never creates anything. So I got that going for me.

  17. I've been looking to join a cult so this book seems like a good place to start. As for my rpg fame? At the local game store I'm know as the guy who rants about how I could make a much better game than anything out there but never creates anything. So I got that going for me.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think I deserve a review copy, because I'm a guy who writes lots of articles on the french RPG encyclopedia, including the very verbose article about Dark Albion :

    If I don't get a review copy of Cults of Chaos, I will be extremely pissed off, and I may be very late buying the book and writing my article. Like, 1 month later it's out, or something like that.

    I'm generally a fan of OSRer-than-thou retroclones, such as OSRIC and Delving Deeper, but I also like Dom Crouzet's FW&W, and kind-of-universal books such as Dark Albion.

    1. Hmm, that's cool. For the record though, this isn't just Dominique Crouzet in disguise, trying to cheap out of having to send a review copy to anyone is it?

    2. If not, question: have you ever seen any French gamers pissed off about the 'Frogland' thing?
      Because I've had some gamers who were HORRIBLY OFFENDED by how BIGOTED I was for making France into a nation ruled by Frog-men... but those gamers have never, thus far, been actual Frenchmen (who seem to mostly get the joke).

    3. Most French people I know are puzzled, amused and/or happy about the Frogmen ;)
      Personnally, I'm waiting for a supplement about the Channel Islands (nowhere to be found in the main book) !

    4. Ah! Ah! ah! No, it's not me in disguise. Hey, I am not that petty... and not that poor too (not yet). Two winners will receive their physical copy.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. If you want an impartial review with plenty of traffic I will toss my hat into the pile. The caveat being I'm alloted ample time to read this demonic tome. Good luck with the project, I enjoyed Dark Albion and look forward to Cults of Chaos.

  24. A has been, a wash up, and a bunch of other nice guys who are all meat for the blades of Chaos! Your souls are fodder for the Chaos gods and not one of you all read the directions. That was your first mistake and your second was coming here! Bring it on fellas! You can't possibly win you fools!

  25. I am interested in reviewing Dark Albion. I am new to blogging but not RPGs. I have been playing since 1977.

    I love the era and the history of the time. I am not a child nor a dilettante and while my prose is not always polished. I am always honest, fair, and consistent in my reviews.

    I will give you a different perspective than others. I want to see the hobby grow, expand, and incorporate folklore, real folklore and folk practices into the mix.

    I started gaming with the Holmes edition, moved onto Traveller and AD&D, Fantasy Hero, GURPS, Palladium stuff, Champions, Villains & Vigilantes and so on. My old hobby was military history and that is what attracted me to Dark Albion. My own desire is to see far more real meaty religion, folklore, and the real social interaction that you would find in the historical eras portrayed in the hobby. I have a small blog. Maybe three hundred hits a day but I want it to grow.

    I know this source book has the potential to be great for my Dungeon World campaign.

    Here it is.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I played your very first Dark Albion Campaign. I also have GMed some of your games more time than you, including my two long standing Lords of Olympus Campaigns. I am a big fan of your work and have played with you for over 5 years straight.I have sacrificed a goat to the G.O.D of Roleplaying and will obliterate my competition with the power of a thousand orcs charging through their dead bodies(or at least, 2d4). I will personally promote and run a Dark Albion Campaign in your country, and make sure the new generation of youths knows the glory of the old school games. BEHOLD! THE ORC PHILOSOPHER IS COMMING!

    1. I'm sorry, but the contest is only for North America and Europe. Blame ridiculous shipping costs for that.
