Monday 29 August 2016

Classic Rant: The Problem with “Collectors”

Over on theRPGsite, someone asked me why it was that I could have a problem with “collectors” when in fact I very obviously have a “collection” of literally hundreds of gaming books?

There’s a difference, however, between someone who has a lot of things and uses them, and a “Collector”; which any collector himself will tell you, accusing you of not being a “true” collector because you actually PLAY with your star wars figurines/read your comics/write in the margins of your RPG books/etc. rather than just keeping them wrapped in their original packaging.

Those sorts of collectors are morons. And they’re insidious because pretty soon companies cater to them; making stuff that’s never meant to be played with and only meant to be owned. And jacking up prices in the process, so that these aforesaid morons can live in the delusion that their “collection” is very “valuable” and a “good investment”. A "good investment", as if they were stock market geniuses or something; I love that.

Water Processing Technologies is a “good investment”. Your double-foil wrapped special edition collection of Incredible Man #1 (Volume 17, 12th printing)? Its the Fucking Nerd-equivalent of having bought a figurine of a pig in a princess outfit from the “national mint”, or like those people who buy Dale Earnhardt “collectible” commemorative coins that you then have the gall to make fun of because you imagine that you’re so much smarter than those rubes on account of your reading Star Trek novels.


(originally posted January 4, 2012; on the old blog)


  1. "And they’re insidious because pretty soon companies cater to them; making stuff that’s never meant to be played with and only meant to be owned. And jacking up prices in the process, so that these aforesaid morons can live in the delusion that their “collection” is very “valuable” and a “good investment”."

    What's even worse, at least, to me, is that these very items - the ultra-limited "collector" versions quite often contain game content (such as an adventure module) that is limited to that already limited version - as in, they don't release it anywhere else.

    That just infuriates me.

    1. Some rock artists are as bad, when they release albums in multiple formats with different bonus tracks on each one.

      Steven Wilson, I'm looking at you. It's said that if he ever sold his soul to The Devil he'd sell it in three different limited edition formats.

    2. Ugh, yeah - it's not just rock artists - lots of music artists are pulling that now.

      Video games do it with bonus content as well - buy it at Game Stop and get outfit/uniform A, buy it at Target and get Weapon B, etc.

      SOOOOOO tired of exclusivity marketing.

    3. Ugh, yeah - it's not just rock artists - lots of music artists are pulling that now.

      Video games do it with bonus content as well - buy it at Game Stop and get outfit/uniform A, buy it at Target and get Weapon B, etc.

      SOOOOOO tired of exclusivity marketing.
