Monday 31 October 2016

Break Monday: Occult Bibliography Edition

These days, the problem isn't with finding occult books; they're all on Amazon! It's about knowing which ones are any good.  Those of you who've read my various posts about "real magic in RPGs" know that already.

So the big problem if you want to learn a bit about occultism is where to even start. Today's article gives you what you need: here we list 15 real books of magic that you can get from Amazon, and that can give you a decent occult education!

As usual, please respost it if you liked it!


Currently Smoking: Masonic Meerschaum + Image Virginia 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great list. Minor point: the wrong image was used for Magick Without Tears.

  3. It's funny how you rail against the "OSR taliban" for adhering to outdated gurus like Gygax and Arneson, yet you're just as glued to nostalgic dinosaur poop.

    1. How so? What new masterpieces do you think have replaced the books I put on this list? Please list any that aren't written by morons like Koening, or that mostly constitute edgy diatribes and guides to masturbating to english sigils as the solution to all your problems.

    2. What books and writers do you recommend, in that case?

  4. Do you have any recommendations for a good biography on Aleister Crowley?

    1. Two, in fact. Perdurabo, by Richard Kaczynski, is considered the definitive modern biography. Aleister Crowley: The Biography, by Tobias Churton, is equally great but focuses a bit less on his magical career and more on personal and family history (as well as good information on his involvement in various secret societies).
