Tuesday 7 February 2017

"Offended" Isn't Even a Feeling

"Offended" is not actually a feeling.

"Offended" doesn't actually mean anything, except that you don't like what someone is saying in some general way you can't otherwise define, and you have no real argument against the statement itself, and you just want to silence them.


Currently Smoking: Dunhill Diplomat + C&D's Bayou Evening


  1. It used to mean "Cancel any appointment you might have because we will settle this sword in hand"...

    1. Well, yes, back when it meant a literal 'offense' against the code of honor people had in that era.
      We no longer live in an honor-based culture. Or a law-based culture. Now we live in a victimhood-based culture.

  2. Glad you cleared that up. We were all wondering whether you cared about offending people, it wasn't really obvious before. I appreciate the clarification.

    1. It should have been obvious. What part of the last 12 years of my blogging history gave you the impression I gave a twopenny fuck as to whether I 'offended' anyone?

    2. You're right, of course. I was just never sure, you know? It's hard to see the heart of the matter when you write with your characteristic nuance and subtlety.

    3. You're right, of course. I was just never sure, you know? It's hard to see the heart of the matter when you write with your characteristic nuance and subtlety.

    4. I'll try my best to be more open and blunt in the future.

  3. For someone who is often triggered by other peoples' vision of what an RPG is, you sure seem awfully offended by feelings. Buck up, snowflake.

    1. "Feeling" is not the same as argumentation, and vice versa. Me explaining why storygames are not RPGs is not the same as someone saying "this thing hurts my feelings and should therefore be outlawed!!"

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Precious snowflake seems to be upset that his real name and face was used in a post. Hypocrisy at its finest - or lowest - in your case, Pundie. Why are you so afraid? Do you have something to hide?

    4. I don't put up with fucking doxxing fascist pieces of shit. Sorry that you lack the intelligence to actually argue your point and so want to try to threaten and intimidate instead. if that's your game though, fly down to Uruguay and we'll settle it, little bitch.

    5. Somebody is an internet tough guy!

      How about you post a picture of your face and real name, and show us how brave you really are. Otherwise, you're a spineless coward hiding behind a frock of pixels & bullshit.

    6. How about it? Show us how internet 'tough' you really are by posting a picture of yourself and real name. Then, we can have a real conversation.

    7. Says the lying cunt using a fake name with no picture or address. You don't get to threaten and expose other people to try to silence them here, you fucking pussy.

    8. Watch out Daniel! He'll use his magic on you!

    9. I'll show you mine if you show me yours, Pundie. But you won't, because you're a spineless coward.

    10. You claim to have already shown mine. Show yours, pussy.

    11. Why do you keep deleting the picture of me? Show us your picture, or forever be the spineless swine you claim other are.

    12. You're a liar and a troll. You haven't posted any picture of you.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am not a fan of simply discounting offense, or the feeling thereof. I do question people's motive when claiming offense, however, since I find that a silly way of proving someone wrong.

    1. Actually, it's not a way at all of proving someone wrong. It's just stating you don't like something. Proves nothing one way or the other.

  5. The Collins English Dictionary defines "offended" as "upset or angry", and "upset" and "angry" are both defined as emotional states, so Offended is both a word that means something, and in high probability a feeling. In no case does the ability to articulate the reason why matter in defining the state of being. So you are definitionally wrong, though I'm sure you have some anecdote proving you are right.

    1. upset and angry are emotional states. So what is added in the case of "offended" that is different from either of those?

      That it's feigned.

    2. With the 21st century, American youth have taken the word "offended" to new heights (or depths, if you prefer), twisting it to mean something other than the standard definition.
