Friday 14 April 2017

I'm Done Trying to Convince the Left to Turn Back

I don't know if you've heard, but the Huffington Post has declared that White Males should be denied the vote.  Ironically, the claim was done on their South African site, even though it was clearly advocating for a US (if not worldwide) ban on white men getting to vote anymore.  That's what we've been reduced to: the Left calling for Racial and Gender Apartheid from a country that was once a model of equality-based social justice. The equality-based social justice I spend most of my life fighting for. The equality-based social justice the Left has now COMPLETELY ABANDONED in favor of identity-politics-based totalitarianism.

And before you claim that it was just some blogger and that this does not represent HuffPo, on twitter the Huffington Post commented with no denunciation of the statement. In fact, the Huffington Post cheered how viral the article had become, and wondered why anyone would find it 'controversial'.  Indeed, why should the idea of stripping away fundamental human rights from an entire race or gender be in any way controversial, as long as the LEFT is doing it, right?

And again, before you say "but it's just one website..." - never mind that it's one of the largest and most influential leftist websites on the internet- " can't blame all the Left for it!", then show me one prominent left-wing media outlet or celebrity or politician that has Denounced these motherfuckers?! Just one?

Because all of what I've seen from the left all over social media is either CHEERS or SILENCE.

So I have an idea: why don't White Male Leftists, many of whom have been praising the "progressiveness" and "wokeness" of this article, start out by setting the example?  I think they should make a point to counter their historic privilege by NOT VOTING anymore!  That's a really fine and bold step they'd be taking to promote their ideas.  In fact, if they want to go a step further and follow Lena Dunham's suggestion about how white males should go extinct, and volunteer to kill themselves, I would strongly support their choice.

As to forcing me not to vote? Fuck yourselves. You know, I'm an absolute egalitarian, I despise racists, but when the left has made it clear that THEY ARE THE RACISTS, and it's me they want to exterminate (as Lena Dunham said) and my rights they want to strip away (as the Huffington Post said), it makes it very clear where I'm going to stand in the coming war the Left seems utterly desperate to start.
I don't understand the human pussies that are planning to call for their own slavery, submission, or voluntary extermination/extinction, but for my part - oh, I don't know, call it something crazy like fundamental biological survival instinct- I am going to fight against the people who want me enslaved or dead. 

So fuck it all.  I'm tired of trying to convince the Left to turn back, it's a lost cause.
It's obvious the Left doesn't give a crap that their average male (apart from their butch Jidhadi allies) looks about as powerful as boiled asparagus, or that they all live in gun-free-zones, or that they've spent decades alienating everyone in the military and the police (not to mention everyone in all the places where the actual food is grown!). They want a civil war. They really really want a civil war! They don't want to listen to any of the reasons why they shouldn't want one!
And I'm sick of trying to argue with them that they shouldn't have it. "Don't Tread On Me" aren't just words. If they want to strip me of my freedom, well, let's just say my own personal holy book says I have a right to kill anyone who would seek to thwart my rights.  If the Left wants its own self-destruction so badly, then fine: come try and take away my vote.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Solitario Egg + Gawith's Navy Flake


  1. They hate themselves, our culture, and the world in general to such an extent that one wonders why they don't just off themselves and be done with their ordeal.

  2. Pundit, I think your source is a opinion article from a private blog hosted by the Huffington Post. It's just someone's (retarded) opinion so no need to jump to the barricades yet.

    1. NO. The Huffpo's EDITOR wrote an editorial absolutely supporting the idea and taking offense at the very notion that it would in any way be controversial. They have stood behind and ENDORSED the plan to strip the vote away from white people.

      So, will you now unconditionally denounce the Huffington Post? Will you disavow any leftist who supports the idea of stripping away the civil and human rights of an entire race?

  3. Infected with nihilistic self loathing they still seek meaning (rather than an end of suffering)... resentment fueled shadenfreude and/or public ideological conforminty (virtue signalling) provide meaning.

    The problem with referring to supporters of this bs as The Left, is that many who have regarded themselves somewhat lefty are thinking WTF (and saying nothing).

    1. I'm somewhat lefty and I said this person's opinion is retarded. The problem is there's no way to debate rationally with these people. They're as gone as the chemtrail folks or the antivaxxers so a polite silence is the best answer imo.

  4. I'll say this. Not everyone on the right is Alt-Right, and not everyone on the left is Ctrl-Left. There are those of us on the left who are fighting the Ctrl-Left while also trying to advocate for social justice.

    1. Well, you're doing a shit job of it, mate. You're practically invisible. The appearance from the outside of the Left is of a near-monolithic consensus where extreme views have almost no opposition except for occasional protest from extreme outliers like Bill Maher or Dave Rubin who look like a fucking endangered species at this point.

    2. To be fair, from my side I don't see anyone on the right promoting equality. On the outside the right also looks like a monolithic consensus that's authoritarian, and anti science.

    3. They look invisible to you because you're specifically looking for the extreme stuff, Pundit. Those guys are a fringe minority but they're very loud.

    4. I don't think so. I could show you videos of different right-wing celebrities including people like Gavin McInnes or Milo denouncing neo-nazis.
      Show me a video of equivalent-level left-wing celebrities other than Bill Maher denouncing the Left's censorship policies, totalitarianism, and appeasement with Islamists. Shit, show me one who denounced this Huffpo article! Just one!

  5. The comments here reveal the root of the problem. "That's just one nutjob, not worth taking seriously. Best ignore her. Observe a polite silence."

    What does the Left do to ideas they don't like? Not a polite silence.

    I'm sure the nice Christian Democrats in Germany were very polite and dismissive in the early Thirties, too. "Just a bunch of nuts. Best ignore them."

  6. The article you're referring to appears to have been removed.

  7. I am going to fight against the people who want me enslaved or dead.

    Gonna keep punching neo-nazis then.


  8. Thhe whole Blog was deleted at HuffPo. Go to the original link and you find out why:

    "Huffington Post SA has removed the blog "Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?" published on our Voices section on April 13, 2017.

    We have done this because the blog submission from an individual who called herself Shelley Garland, who claimed to be an MA student at UCT, cannot be traced and appears not to exist."

  9. Thhe whole Blog was deleted at HuffPo. Go to the original link and you find out why:

    "Huffington Post SA has removed the blog "Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?" published on our Voices section on April 13, 2017.

    We have done this because the blog submission from an individual who called herself Shelley Garland, who claimed to be an MA student at UCT, cannot be traced and appears not to exist."
