Monday 22 May 2017

Why Did Time Magazine Not Know What the Kremlin Looks Like?

You've probably seen this cover, of the White House turning into the Kremlin.

Only, that's not the Kremlin. That's St. Basil's church. Time magazine doesn't know what the Kremlin looks like.

But worse: I know why.  If you do a google search for "kremlin", a lot of the images that appear are of Red Square, where St. Basil's and the Kremlin are both located, and some of the pictures that come up INCORRECTLY identify St. Basil's as the Kremlin.
See, this is St. Basil's (but the search claimed it was the Kremlin):

See the building on the right of the cathedral in this next picture? THAT is the Kremlin:

The Time magazine cover was done by someone who had to google to see what Kremlin was like, and got it wrong. And several million Democrats have been nodding sagely not realizing that Time Magazine knows fuck all about Russia and now they too know fuck all about Russia, thanks to thinking that a group of culture-studies-grad Establishment Journalists can actually have anything intelligent to say about the Trump presidency, foreign affairs, russian politics, or anything other than than the 'safe space'/microaggression nonsense they learned in school.

That cover is the ultimate triumph of the dominant Left-wing paradigm of "narrative/feeling over fact/truth or reason".  It symbolizes absolutely everything about the bullshit "Russia hacked the election" fabrication.

That is your brain on fake news.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Soltario Volcano + C&D's Chestnut


  1. St. Basil's Church is easier to identify in visual story-telling like this. I think it's by design.

  2. You assume the image is supposed to represent the Kremlin, (as opposed to an easily identifiable Russia symbols) and then claim that 'someone' must have googled it and got it wrong.

    And then -you- go on to complain about narrative trumping truth. You've completely lost is with this paranoid and petty bullshit.

  3. So, the Russia stuff is bullshit?

  4. I would assume it's meant to be the Kremlin simply because that would be the counterpart to the White House. The church wouldn't be a counterpart to the White House. Does the magazine actually say Kremlin anywhere?

    1. If I had to think about it, in every cartoon or movie they want to say "Hey this is russia" they either show everyone starving or that church (Or something that looks like it) So I just figure that Time did the same... and that most journalists don't know what the Kremlin is.

  5. It doesn't, and I myself couldn't find anywhere that Time itself called it the Kremlin (though maybe someone else saw them say it, and I'd be interested to know). However, a TON of other Establishment Media News sources, in 'congratulating' Time for such a 'brave' cover called it the Kremlin, meaning that even if we were to be super generous and assume that for some reason they meant for it to be St. Basil's from the very start, the overwhelming majority of western journalists pretending to lecture us all on Russia don't know enough to tell the difference between the Kremlin and a church.

    1. So you're admitting you fabricated the entire 'googled the wrong building' spin and just jumped to profoundly stupid conclusions to match your victimization complex.

      "A TON of establishment media news sources"

      Who? What qualities as an establishment media news source?

      "An overwhelming majority or western journalist..."

      K, how about you back that shit up.

  6. Trump can laugh all the way to his impeachment.

    1. It's cute that you think that's going to happen, and that you can undo the election results just because he makes you mad.

    2. You can't undo elections, you can prosecute criminals however.

    3. Which is why we hope the real murderers of Seth Rich will be in prison someday.

    4. Being impeached doesn"t mean he'll be leaving office. Bill Clinton was impeached, I don't recall him leaving office due to that impeachment.
