Sunday 25 June 2017

The End of Dark Albion

It finally ended, yesterday.  The original Dark Albion campaign, the one that inspired the Dark Albion setting book, and was ultimately responsible for Cults of Chaos too, and the upcoming Lion & Dragon RPG, and a bunch of material that will be coming out in my "RPGPundit Presents" series, it's all over.

The PCs, all but two, died in the tower of Morgan Le Fay.

It had been a spectacular campaign, six years in the making.
Obviously, it'll live on, through all the other games of Dark Albion people have played, are playing and will play.  Myself included; because I'm pretty sure I'll be running Albion again real soon.

As for now, a little break, then maybe some short games, and after that another long campaign. Who knows what it'll produce?


Currently Smoking: Moretti Rhodesian + Gawith's Commonwealth


  1. What will you be running next ? Just curious.

    1. Still deciding. Probably some short campaign before moving into another big one again.

  2. So what happened to the two survivors? Why did the game end instead of having the dead roll up new PCs?

    1. The death of so many of the PCs who had been part of the campaign for years now made it seem like a good place to end. There wasn't much more to do in the campaign, except the battle of Bosworth, and with low-level newbies with no real history that just wouldn't have been the same.
      One of the two survivors became the new "master" of Morgana's tower (trapped there forever). The other made it back to Albion; he'd gone insane but would presumably recover. He had been (unknown to him) infected with a spark of Morgana's essence, and this would manifest in his descendant, Anne Boleyn.

  3. Is Morgana's Tower perhaps a future published module?

    1. I strongly doubt it. I ran it as a heavily-modified version of Castle Gargantua.
