Tuesday 20 June 2017

Update On My Project: Future Pundit Products

So, my little OSR products projects is continuing along. Today I saw what will probably be the final look of the cover of our series.  My publisher is eager and is doing a great job so far.

Over the past couple of weeks I've had to deal with a prolonged period of internet blackout and then personal illness. But I've still managed to get quite a few new products written. Here's the quick list of stuff you will soon be able to buy:

RPGPundit Presents: Three Medieval-Authentic Magical Grimoires

RPGPundit Presents: The Goetia

RPGPundit Presents: The Book of the Art of Hours

RPGPundit Presents: The Kitchen Sink!

RPGPundit Presents: Medieval-Authentic Firearms and Cannon

Anyways, that's it for today, I'll share more titles as I write them.


Currently Smoking: Stanwell Deluxe + Image Latakia


  1. What is "The Book of the Art of Hours"?

  2. A medieval-authentic magical grimoire.

    1. Why is it separate from "Three Medieval-Authentic Magical Grimoires"?

    2. "Three grimoires" details three different, smaller grimoires and the rituals they contain. "Art of Hours" and "Goetia" are both larger single grimoires. All three products are books of powerful magic, but each are very different.

  3. Looking good and it will be nice to have a classic D&D take on historical medieval magic.

    1. Yes. And all of the "grimoire" series will be usable in any standard OSR game, but also function as additional material to the whole "medieval authentic" magic system of my upcoming Lion & Dragon RPG. Note that they are NOT material that will be found in that book, though; they'll be usable as extensions to the system in that book.

  4. Looks like an awesome selection!
    Based on what I know of tvtropes, is the kitchen sink about blending different rpg genres together or is it something else entirely?

    1. No. The Kitchen Sink is a 3-page 6-table (plus subtables) sourcebook to putting literal kitchen sinks into dungeons!

    2. Obviously, it's a pretty Gonzo supplement.
