Monday 16 October 2017

The Goetia, Now in Spanish; Plus a Gnomemurdered Sale!

So, today we have for you the Spanish edition of my RPGPundit Presents #2: The Goetia.

En RPGPundit Presenta #2: La GoeciaTraza un círculo mágico de protección y una guarda triangular con el símbolo de un demonio para invocarlo. Reza porque cumpla tu voluntad, y no la suya propia. Este número proporciona 72 demonios y sus beneficios, junto con las reglas necesarias para invocarlos. Inspirado en grimorios medievales sobre magia con el objetivo de que tus partidas tengan un sabor más auténtico.

But today, that's not all! if you were looking for a light-hearted party-game RPG (mind you, in English), be sure to check out my old game Gnomemurdered. 

Right now, Precis Intermedia is engaging in a special Halloween sale, where you can get the book for just $3.42!  You can get Gnomemurdered at the Precis Store, or at DTRPG.

Stay tuned tomorrow for RPGPundit Presents #3!


Currently Smoking: Ben Wade Rhodesian + Image Latakia 

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