Sunday 26 November 2017

"Fat Black Lesbian" Was Everyone's Favorite GI JOE Action Figure as a Kid, Right?

I've been very amused at the development of what's now being called "comicsgate", and how the Ctrl-Left takeover of the comic industry (and especially Marvel comics) is now facing a MASSIVE backlash from fans.

And it's pretty clear now that the tide is turning.  Axel Alonso, the Marvel editor-in-chief who presided over the two year slide into Marvel's obsession with Identity Politics and the elimination of all their major heroes to be replaced by minority token characters no one wanted, is out. And in spite of disgustingly fawning eulogies for Alonso's career by all the regular fake-news suspects, it's obvious that the end result of his tenure was that Marvel currently lies in ruins.

The article above pretends that "Ms.Marvel", the teenage Muslim-feminist sociopath with powers who helped the adult man-dyke fascist Captain Marvel to literally round up and imprison people for wrongthink without trial, was one of his greatest triumphs.  It wasn't.  Ms.Marvel was a triumph of HYPE and praised endlessly on leftist media, but it never actually sold well at all (in the past year, it has shipped between 15000 and 24000 units per month, and presumably actually sold less than that; that's a level so low that under normal circumstances the comic would be cancelled, but of course it won't be because it is crucial to the Ctrl-Leftists to pretend that Ms.Marvel is very popular). Nor did the remade Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers, or Carl Manvers as the comicsgate shitlords call her, on account of how each successive SJW artist depicts the once-beautiful character as increasingly mannish, muscular, crew-cutted and generally ugly; a trend that Marvel has taken up with most of its female characters, as if being an attractive female superhero was somehow itself a crime against women, because, you know, western 'male gaze' is exactly the same as Congolese Rape Militias or something).

In spite of Alonso and company insisting that Captain Marvel be retconned into being by far the most popular superhero of the marvel world who all the populace love and who was so trusted and beloved that everyone sided with her even when she imposed a fascist regime that sent youth-gangs to arrest people for pre-crime without any due process or rule of law, somehow the fans just didn't go for this absurd totalitarian man-thing. That more or less sums up all of Marvel's history in the last two years: the writers and editors demanding that we readers like what THEY tell us to like, and then claiming that horrible sales was the fault of all of us being Nazis. You know, like Captain America, who they made a Nazi twice.

Their response was to just FORCE comic stores to buy the comics that no one wanted, by making those pre-requisites to being allowed to buy those few titles that Marvel still had that did generate demand.  This meant that comic store owners were stuck with piles of stock they could never get rid of, and that already-fragile business model became almost untenable. It led to a revolt in the middle of a panel during a recent Comicon, where one comic-store owner after another berated the Marvel people for their practices and demanded change.

I could go on about how they made Thor "unworthy" of being Thor and replaced him with a girl no one wanted, replaced Iron Man with a sassy black teen (that sounds kind of racist, doesn't it? But that's how they made her! SJWs are actually incapable of making characters who aren't ridiculous stereotypes) that no one wanted. Captain America was replaced by Falcon (ruining Falcon, a perfectly good non-white Marvel hero, in the process) and later by "America Chavez", a sassy (again) Lesbian Latina Illegal that no one at all wanted, who got to punch Hitler INSTEAD of Captain America, because after all why would Captain America punch Hitler? He, like all patriotic white American men, is a Nazi himself after all. That's why the US forces in WWII were composed almost entirely of sassy hispanic illegal immigrant teenage lesbian girls.

In brief, all the most important Marvel male heroes were replaced with minorities or female characters in the period between very late 2014 and late 2016. All the previously-existing female heroes were turned into sociopathic feminist fascists (Mockingbird, Hellcat, Female-wolverine, girl-Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, she-hulk, and of course Carl-Manvers the dyke-haircut maoist Captain Marvel) or sociopathic feminist retards (Squirrel Girl), in that same period of time.  Also, as well as a HUGE decline in art quality in general, all the female characters were drawn to be as unattractive as possible, because apparently that's feminism. 

Like, here's PRE-SJW Squirrel girl, circa 2009 or so:

And here's what being on Feminist Ideology does to you (it's worse than Crystal Meth!):

Now, though, the tide is turning. Alonso is gone, and it's not just readers and fans who are fighting back about the decline in the comics industry.  Jim Shooter, one of comic's legends both as a creator and as an editor, recently gave the comics industry (and it was clearly Marvel in particular) some very harsh criticism about their current mismanagement, stating that "Jack Kirby must be rolling in his grave" at their making Captain America a Nazi. 

Of course, it's not just Marvel. IDW, which currently produces GI JOE (which was, besides a toy line, cartoon and movie franchise, an incredibly successful long-standing comic franchise), utterly destroyed that comic by handing over the reins of it to Aubrey Sitterson, an avowed socialist who hates America and who was on record as saying that almost anyone who mentions 9/11 is politically suspect

Sitterson decided that the best way to write GI JOE was to have the Joes no longer be American, turning them instead into an international social-justice militia force of some kind, and replacing many of the favorite characters with women & minority characters because social justice.

I mean after all, whose favorite GI JOE action figure as a kid wasn't "Fat Black Lesbian Joe", am I right??

As it turns out, the sales were so utterly atrocious (around 4500 units ordered, for a comic that could once easily get ten times that much, around 2003, a time long after the cartoon had ended and years before the movies first came out) that the newest series was actually cancelled even before issue #1 came out.

Some people somehow suggested this was unfair. It isn't. This isn't some kind of censorship, or blacklisting, or a boycott. This is a product that was intentionally designed to make its original market despise it (because the writer felt that fans of GI JOE as a patriotic American military organization should be punished for their beliefs) failing to attract any alternative audience (because SJWs love to praise the takeover and ruination of comics by replacing characters with SJW tokens, but have no real intention to ever actually buy these new politically-proper comics), and thus ceasing to exist as a result of the gross incompetence and one could even say malevolent intent of its untalented politically-motivated creators. 

I don't quite think the Totalitarian-Left is finished, in comics or in movies or in RPGs or all other aspects of pop culture (which they correctly recognize as a vital battleground in their efforts to tear down the fabric of Western culture), but it's also true that the backlash is only just getting started

It's going to be hopeful and interesting times.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti half-volcano + H&H's Chestnut


  1. As characters, I was partial to the Crimson Twins, Xamot and Tomax, m'self. But I did have a crush on Zarana and Lady Jaye, back in the day.

  2. This sucks. I was a big fan of the GI Joe cartoon and toys when I was a kid.

    I believe the solution won't come from the crappy right-wing comics you discussed a few weeks ago though. Writers should try to come up with good stories and if they're good enough they will also convey the writer's ideas and touch people in a way these propagandist hacks will never do.

  3. One of the two reasons why I no longer make web comics, and the sole reason why I no longer even _buy_ a comic anymore, is SJW Marvel. I left the medium in its entirety, and I'm not going back. Ever. Fuck every comic company, as far as I'm concerned.

    Hell, here's how far I've gone from where I was: I'd flick off Stan Lee (respectfully) if he asked me to buy another comic.

    _That_ should say something.

  4. "_Despite_ Alonso's push forward for more diverse heroes, Marvel began to face self-described sales challenges in the last quarter of 2016"


    1. Their spin-doctoring would put Baghdad Bob to shame.

  5. Crimson Twins were cool. Dreadknock academic turned biker also piqued my curiosity. GI Joes themselves were too goody-goody and cartoonish with flat biographies. Crimson Guards Arctic Cobras were my favorite military units, enough for me to get into biathlon and ski-troops in real life. I even did a 78 mile ruck hike to mirror the feat described in the Arctic Cobra description. I am not sure, who was writing the comic book in the eighties, but that bio language of those figures always puzzled me. Some weird combination of realistic detail and a weird bigger picture that made no political sense. Still, the Crimson Guards described as the army of day job lawyers and CPA's who chased their victims with audits and court papers as opposed to thugs and hitmen left a deep impression on me.

    1. True story: my nephew got a job at Hasbro in the late 80's as an intern, and the designers created a figure and gave it his real name - NOT his code name, obvs. (Didn't look like him though.)

    2. This is a great story! To some of us it's a mysterious source of inspiration, and to others it's a deadline that needs to be fulfilled in need of filler material. Reminds me of a time in William Shatner's recounting when an exotic looking salt shaker became a prominent stage prop in Star Trek, either a communication device or a blaster. This sort of improvisational thing goes back to Shakespeare.

  6. A lesbian Muslim character fighting ISIS could have been really interesting, dealing with the occasionally covert support for the group that opposed everything Lesbian Muslim character stood for.

    Chavez a sassy (again) Lesbian Latina down in Mexico fighting drug gangs, political corruption, and the occasional misunderstandings with the Gringo Joe Team could have been fun and informative.

    But I guess the point is to screw up existing properties not create new ones.

    1. I think that female Kurdish militia fighters are cool, and you get four categories at once! Women of Color, Indigenous Women, Left Wing Amazons fighting degenerate islamists from around the globe, and feminist soldiers for equal rights! Syriana Pt 7, anyone?

    2. Rob: I should clarify for you: Ms.Marvel, as far as I know, is not lesbian, if that was what you were referring to. Making Kamala Khan lesbian would be 'problematic' to their narrative, because it would potentially offend their Muslim overlords.

    3. I don't thin it matters. Making her lesbian actually has a dramatic point if they have her fighting ISIS instead of just virtue signaling. And really do they think zealot Muslims would be allowed anyone they know to buy comics no matter how fawning to their religion? The only ones likely to buy such a title would be folks in the West from more permissive families (probably non-muslims but not necessarily so) so they should tell a good story and appeal to the folks likely to buy your comic and maybe they'll sell.

    4. You get that the point of Ms.Marvel was to placate Muslims and spread Islamist lies, rather than to actually promote any kind of reformist ideas in Islam or oppose Islamist movements like ISIS, right?
      In the comic, to my knowledge, there's never been even a single Muslim who has behaved villainously. While almost every single white male character is either incredibly evil or incredibly stupid.

    5. I understand that, but we're talking about what they should have done instead of virtue signaling and destroying their own market.

  7. Haven't read comics regularly in some time, glad to hear that I haven't missed anything, and sorry to hear that Leftist have destroyed them; though is should be no surprise, they destroy everything they touch.

  8. I haven't been into comics or G.I. Joe since High School, but I assume that cool stuff will rise again soon enough. All this shit is cyclical. Damn those SJW / Ctrl-Left bastards. And also... Fake President!

  9. Did anyone catch the scene in Justice League where a skinhead in a "MAGA Horde" t-shirt smashes up a minority-owned fruit stand? Yeah, stuff like that happens all the time, right? Sounds like a job for Wonder Woman!

  10. William "the Refrigerator" Perry wasn't my FAVORITE G.I. Joe character, but I did have the action figure...
    but calling him a lesbian...

  11. I remember when G. I. Joe was an action figure. Singular. A posable soldier with a few uniforms and some fairly standard gear and weapons. For when you wanted to play with one heroic fighting man instead of an army of green men in fixed poses.

    This whole story bemuses me.
