Saturday 16 December 2017

Lion & Dragon: Now On Lulu!

So, for most of the week now, Lion & Dragon has been available on RPGnow, in pdf, hardcover, or both!

But DOM Publishing knows that for some of you, the shipping of print editions from RPGnow are not as affordable as from Lulu. DOM probably knows this because of being based in France (which makes all the fake-outrage about my Frogmen all the funnier).

And yes, there's also Frogmen in Lion & Dragon, in the monster chapter.

Anyways, for all of you in Frogland or anywhere else where you'd have a better time shipping through Lulu, I have some good news: the Lion & Dragon hardcover is now available on Lulu!

Yes, you now have the choice of whether you order from one or the other. We make money either way, so it's all cool.

Oh, and lots of you have been telling me how much you like L&D, and I'm super grateful for that. Please keep letting me know what you think of the game, and feel free to post blogs or reviews about it, or to rate the product wherever you bought it, so other people can hear the news too!


Currently Smoking: Dunhill Diplomat + C&D's Crowley's Best

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