Monday 12 March 2018

Cursed SPANISH Artifacts

Or rather, Cursed Artifacts is now available IN SPANISH.

I have to rush off to the Lodge, but you can now get RPGPundit Presents #22: 13 Cursed Artifacts of Renown in Spanish (also available on the Precis Intermedia Website)!

Esta selección de artefactos malditos (aunque potencialmente útiles) es perfecta para juegos medievales de corte realista (como León & Dragón), pero lo suficientemente genéricos como para resultar útiles en cualquier campaña de fantasía, especialmente aquellas que usen reglas OSR. Sorprende a tus PJs con artefactos como la Maza Colmena, la Caja Dybbuk o la Máscara del Guerrero.

This selection of cursed but potentially useful artifacts is intended for medieval-authentic games (like Lion & Dragon), but general enough to be useful in any fantasy campaign, especially those utilizing OSR rules. Spring such artifacts as the Beehive Mace, Dybbuk Box, or Warrior Mask on your PCs. 

All for just $1.99!

You can also get 13 Cursed Artifacts in English here!


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Solitario Egg + Country Doctor

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