The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Thursday 12 September 2019

Monte Cook Wants RPG Maoism

I honestly thought that Monte Cook's proposal was Parody when I first saw it, but no. He really wants to force YOU to ban food rations in the game because those are privileged. 

Check it out, in my latest video:


  1. That was a righteous video with some of what you said worthy of framing.

    I disagree with much of what you said about Franco. There are many on the right, especially the Catholic right, who like him. And they haven't been mobbed by other anti-Franco right wingers.

    But it isn't just Catholics. If you haven't read Orwell's Homage to Catalonia in a while, read it again. Orwell is trying sympathetically to describe loyalist Barcelona. But I think his description sounds hellish, and so have many others from the religious right to atheist libertarians. It resembles Maoist China, I think. If that movement came to my city, I'd fight with anyone fighting against it.

    1. The communists and anarcho-communists in Spain were garbage. Franco was also garbage, who killed at least tens of thousands of people AFTER the civil war ended.

      So to sum up, Spain spent most of the 20th century being garbage in general.
