Wednesday 29 September 2021

Wizards Announces New D&D "Evolved" Revision

 Wizards has announced they will be making a new "evolved" edition of the D&D core books. It's easy to guess what "evolution" they plan to impose on gamers. 


  1. Jesus, you are like the worst mix of an mysogist/manosphere mixed with someone who plays DnD... can you go a single way of your Life without blaming "Sjw's" for the fact people dislike that you are an reactionary asshole?

    1. Ah. Name calling and straw man arguments. How pathetic.

  2. Also you remind me of the guy who made LOTFP. Though even them he wasn't a massive crybaby who complained about everything he saw in media.

    Imagine having your only argument be calling your opponents "SJW's". What a pathetic wuss.

    1. Unlike you, he actually makes a valid point in his editorial videos, by using evidence to the fact. But don't let facts get in the way of FEELINGS.
