Friday, 2 January 2015

New Year, Same Old Bullshit

So, the first big conflict between the pseudo-activists and actual women who game has already happened.  Well, it was a nice peaceful 24 hours or so we had there of conflict-free 2015..

Anyways, here's the thing, unlike the pseudo-activists I don't pretend to speak for women, so I'm going to let a woman, a feminist, and a gamer, do the talking.  Go, out for yourselves, and read Mandy Morbid's post about how she has been harassed and by who (hint: it's the pseudo-activists).

The above would be a very interesting read but not newsworthy in and of itself; but her post got an immediate response from Tracy Hurley, who believes that Aleena the Cleric (the Basic D&D Box Set heroine who is dressed in head-to-toe armor) is a little too sexy to be allowed, shooting back with this lovely piece of bullshit:

Note Fred Hurley's comment.  So the response these alleged "feminists" made to Mandy's post was to claim she didn't write it.

But it gets better! After catching flack for it, the Hurleys tried to hide the evidence, deleting Fred's comment.  AND, when people started posting the above image, Tracy Hurley started claiming she was going to "file a police report", because in her world, what happened to Mandy Morbid isn't harassment (because feminists she approves of can't possibly harass anyone, or harassing people she disagrees with doesn't actually constitute a wrong, take your pick), but people posting something Fred actually said and then tried to cover up apparent DOES constitute harassment!  Hilarious!

Note that she's since deleted her threats to go to the police; I look forward to her claim that reporting on her threats will also constitute harassment.

Sometimes you just have to laugh.

Anyways, well done Mandy, you beat me to the punch: you got to piss off the Swine in 2015 before I could! I must be getting old.


Currently Smoking: Castello 4K Collection Canadian + Image Latakia


  1. Blaming the victim. That there's some classy social justice..

    1. What's amazing to me is just how easy it is for the victim to fall into the "wrong" status. We have here a woman, feminist, disabled, and yet she loses any victim rights because she's sex-positive.
      The demographic litmus-tests of who the pseudo-activists actually will or won't give a fuck about are astounding.

    2. Ironically a few days before this, she posted the following on her blog:

      In this post she complains about being harassed by the people who disagree with her and then decries other people "pitting women against each other."

      To then turn about and within days belittle and attack another woman for complaining about being harassed betrays either a staggering lack of self-reflection or an amazing capacity for duplicity.

    3. Nice catch there. Yes, Tracy is a walking ball of hypocrisy. She updated her twitter (someone informed me) to say this post had "got it all wrong".

      Please, Hurley, come tell us, what part did I get wrong? The part where your man tried to cover up the evidence of his comment claiming that a woman's post must have been written by a man?

      Even as a while later you comment on how you "must save evidence" of people "harassing" you because "these people delete their posts"? That's hilarious. Fucking hilarious. You really have NO fucking shame, do you?

  2. Yeah, all of this crap is happening in video games too now. It's exactly the same empty rhetoric from the same type of pseudo activists kicking up a fuss over absolutely nothing. And media listens to them. Apparently, gamer are nothing but misogynistic neckbeards. Oh well, looking forward to reading more from you in 2015.

    1. It is happening to metal as well and the fans of metal are not having it. Thus #metalgate is born.

  3. And the police would do what exactly about folks posting comments online? Was there some sort of credible threat made?

    1. She's trying to argue, apparently, that having attention repeatedly drawn to yourself when you don't want it constitutes harassment. Which is hiliarious because by that standard she and most of her buddies could end up doing hard time for all the shit they've pulled over the years. I'm almost lamenting the fact that she's insane and living in a fantasy world by thinking this constitutes a legal definition of harassment, because it would be fucking hilarious to see her being dragged off for the abuse she's heaped on Mandy and others. The entire RPG hobby could do a class-action suit against her.

  4. Anyone who calls herself "Sarah Dark Magic" should be taken seriously.

  5. Here we go again. Can these social justice warriors just disappear? That would be great.
