Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Video: Waterdeep & All D&D Settings Must be 2018 Seattle OR ELSE

When EVERY #DnD setting looks like and has values exactly like 2018 Seattle during Pride Week, and any setting with divergent values from that is forbidden on pain of social attack, censorship, and financial ruination; when all settings look *exactly the same*, then Maximum Diversity will be achieved!


Currently Smoking: Castello 4k Collection Canadian + McClintock's Syrian Latakia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Current D&D sounds like a massive pile of dung to me; the setting - SJW unvalues, adolescent nonsense like tielflings and dragonborn - is about as interesting as mud, people's renewed enthusiasm for the rules seems to be based on the rules now being less like actual D&D and more like other games, which seems redundant. Why not play other games in the first place if those mechanics are more pleasing to you?

    I'm really surprised that RPG's based on Warhammer and 40K haven't gotten more heat - that is a setting where bigotry, xenophobia, literal witch hunts and all round prejudice is hard-wired into the main human culture. Please God that the new version of WFRP isn't neutered in that sense.

    1. Well, there's Lion & Dragon. Though it's not nearly as cynical. It marks clear lines between good and evil.

    2. Warhammer and 40K are copyrighted. They'd get more heat if they opened up to the OGL instead of trying to enforce copyrights on the term Space Marines.

  3. My headcanon is that since the passage you quoted was ascribed to Volo (who never lets the truth get in the way of a good story), he's not actually describing the "real" Waterdeep. The Waterdeep Tourism Bureau bribed him generously for a favorable review.

    1. That would still imply that the Waterdeep Tourism Bureau are rampant SJWs with 2018 seattle values.

    2. So, was that ACTUAL Waterdeep you were quoting in the video then? Sheesh....

    3. Nah, they just know that promising visitors a happy hippie free love circus will bring in more coin than the truth: that you'll be lucky if you only get mugged in an alley.

    4. Yes, that was the actual text lifted VERBATIM from the new waterdeep book.

  4. How dare you speak of "your" cat you patriarchal specist piece of problematic sh.t. S/He is a magnificent free-willed beast that you can only (and obscenely) dream of ever possessing.
