Friday 20 November 2015

Dark Albion: Cults of Chaos Will Include Material on Elves

So, first, some good news: Cults of Chaos, the supplement book for Dark Albion is well on the way. In fact, the majority of the writing is finished.

I've listened carefully to some of the Dark Albion fans as to what they wanted to see most, and this led me to add an appendix to Cults of Chaos that will provide several pages of detail on Albion's Elves.

Elves in Albion are a bit of a mix between darker faerie stories and aliens from abductee accounts.  Creepy, inhuman, decadent, alien of thought, incredibly powerful.   In Cults of Chaos you'll get more details about the ancient history of when the Elves ruled Albion, where they live now, where they still show up and how, and what they do when they do show up. You'll also get some straightforward old-school info: encounter types and sizes, Elven equipment and powers.   Info also on elven magic items, and changelings.

This on top of the main material in the book, covering how to make your own Chaos Cult, and tables and types of Mutations.

Stay tuned, Dark Albion: Cults of Chaos will be coming to you soon, probably early 2016.


Currently Smoking: Neerup Bent Billiard + Image Latakia


  1. That's good news. I am preparing a mini-campaign in Dark Albion for Q2 next year, based mostly on cults. Will get ideas from your book then.

  2. That's good news. I am preparing a mini-campaign in Dark Albion for Q2 next year, based mostly on cults. Will get ideas from your book then.

    1. Great. There will be guidelines in the book on how to frame an "Inquisitors" campaign, where the PCs are agents of either the Clerical order, a noble, a Bishop/Archbishop, or the Crown.

  3. Pundit, would you consider fleshing out more of Dark Albion's setting? Say, the Commonwealth or Arcadia?

    1. It's possible, though there's still a lot more that could be done closer to Albion.
