Thursday 19 November 2015

Why You Want Me Consulting!

"And let me say publicly what I said to the good Pundit privately. This book is a hundred times better than it would have otherwise been thanks to his input. The authorial voice is definitely mine, but his influence can be found in dozens of little things, sprinkled throughout, and they help bring the thing to life. We didn't always agree, but I count his input as invaluable. Thank you, sir."  - Joseph Bloch, author, "The Golden Scroll of Justice"

If you're writing an RPG, setting, or supplement, you want someone with proven chops that can help bring out the best in it. Who won't bullshit or flatter you, and will put in the time to examine your product carefully, and give creative contributions for bettering it. Not to mention someone with contacts and experience in the hobby scene to get you other help or information you might need.

So, if you're working on something, and want the Pundit on board, send me an email!


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Solitario Horn + Gawith's Navy Flake


  1. I'd like to say that the Core Rules PDF of Raiders of R'Lyeh is excellent as well. Can't wait to read the final print book.

    1. Thanks! Believe me, I can't wait to see it either!

  2. Curious: What kinds of services do you offer through consultation?

    1. I will carefully examine the product you are working on at whatever various stages you are working on it. So wherever you've gotten at the point you hire me (obviously hiring me earlier may let me help more than hiring me at the last minute), I'll look through it and tell you what's wrong with it, and how you could do it better. This applies to things like readability, structure, layout/format, or mechanics; as well as setting details, concepts, and any other damn thing I can think of.

      You are paying me to pick your game apart with a very critical eye, the way I do with my reviews. And to tell you truth. Just like why WoTC hired me.

      Then I will contribute answers and alternatives (note that this doesn't mean I'll be writing material for you, if you want me to do that it would have to be a whole different deal; but I will suggest ideas and formats which you can then fill in).

      I can also give you ideas for how to promote your game; and you will be allowed to use my name in your promotion. I will promote it myself too, IF I think it's a product I can effectively promote and that I found worthwhile. This doesn't mean I'll be a shill for you. I'll say what I think; make your product good, and I'll be glad to harp on to everyone about my involvement with it.

  3. From my perspective, the best part of his participation wasn't in writing specific bits of text or answering specific questions on "how do you think I should do X" (although he did), but rather making on-point comments that spark my own imagination to go off in a tangent I wouldn't have thought of myself. It helps that his knowledge of the subject matter at hand (ancient China) is quite deep. I just re-read our correspondence, and he'd say something like "Historically, it should be more like this..." and I'd read it, and pick out one or two bits, and riff of them and turn them into entire sections of the book, or make specific tweaks that were simplifications of what he'd said, but still true to the spirit of the book. Our collaboration, on that front, seemed almost fractal. He'd say something, it would spark something in my mind, and off I'd go. Certainly that wouldn't have happened nearly as much as it did, without his input as a sounding-board.

    1. Yeah, that is a really good detail too, though its mileage will vary based on my knowledge of the subject matter and the particularities of the project. But I am a pretty good sounding board.
