The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Wednesday 6 April 2016

How the Pseudo-Activist Totalitarians use Lying About YOUR Decency to Win

I had a lot of responses to my entry of a couple of days ago, where I made a categorical and aggressive denial/condemnation of the latest attempt by the Fake-Activist Swine Totalitarians in our hobby trying to use claims of harassment to take over tabletop gaming.   The one written by a person immediately after she was denied in her demands to be allowed to CENSOR products of a gaming line, and where she subsequently wrote a ridiculous post claiming in fine Andrea-Dworkin-style tradition that she was repeatedly violated by gamers on countless occasions over the course of years in almost every venue of gaming imaginable, and that this was proof of how all gaming is a product of White Male Evil or something like that, and thus we need to hand over the hobby to Identity Politic activists and Womens Studies graduates who will then decide what is best for all of us and who should be punished and driven out.

Obviously, the "SJWs" out there were outraged and called me all kinds of bad words thinking this is still 2015 and anyone gives a fuck about their manipulation-tactics anymore.
Then, a lot of those gamers who have woken up and figured out the Pseudo-activists' game here were supportive and thanking me for speaking truth to these piece of shit power-mongers.  And thanks to all of you for that, and for sharing my entry!

And then there was the Great Mushy Middle. Those people who are neither warm nor hot, and need to be spat out until they're ready to actually stand for something.  There were a TON of comments on my blog saying "well, I get that there are people who have been trying to take advantage but did you have to be so mean?!" or "I know that you were personally attacked by some of these people, but is it really helpful to be so aggressive and possibly encourage harassment of women gamers?" or "It seems to me like the person who wrote that tumblr post is not being honest, and its too convenient, and yes she did it after failing to censor a gaming line she was saying stupid things about, BUT if you look at the individual stories that she accounts each of them sound like they could happen to some women gamers somewhere, even if they didn't all happen to her"! A lot of the Mushy Middle were really emphatic about saying that it was a step too far to call her a liar, even if they did think she probably was a liar.  There was a lot of "we can't be absolutely totally sure that SOME of it didn't happen to her maybe", as if that somehow means we now need to hand over the keys to the hobby.  The otherwise erstwhile RPG Youtube-sensation Samwise Seven, who did a great review of Dark Albion a while back, clearly took the Mushy Middle position.  He posted on G+ to the effect of "if someone is using genuine empathy from people that want to help actual victims to pursue their own agendas then they are scum" but at the same time saying "I'd rather be an empathetic sap than someone that always suspects a claim is false".

But does being an 'empathetic sap' extend to saying "ok yes here have control and censorship over my hobby!!" if they threaten you with calling you sexist often enough?

Because that's what it's going to come down to. If you read the original tumblr post, and my rebuttal from Monday, and expressed the notion of "oh but we can't be mean and must be understanding", then you need a fucking reality check.  You and all the other saps have to come to terms with the fact that you have two options:

a) Giving a tiny group of extreme-left totalitarians total control over this hobby


b) having this same group of assholes calling you a rapist or a rapist enabler

Because that is the game they are playing with you. They accept no compromise, they want no other concessions. They will not stop until they get what they want. Like any extremists, they cannot be reasoned with and will not be placated by apparent kind words. They will only see those kind words as a sign of weakness and submission and appropriately increase their demands to the next level while telling more fake horror-stories and accusing you of being even worse than before if you don't comply.

And look, I GET your natural instinct is to really be scared of being called those things that they are threatening to call you, even by someone who is so transparently self-serving that it would never be credible. I get that even in that situation, it is a scary and gross feeling for you because you are fundamentally a decent person, who has been taught all their life to be kind to others, and to worry about vulnerable people being hurt. That fundamental decency is exactly what they're planning to use against you.

So just the mere thought of anyone accusing you of being a "white male terrorist" (implying that you are a racist and sexist) is AWFUL to you, because, and this is the important part: you are NOT a racist or sexist.
If you were a 'white male terrorist', you would not be affected by this even a little bit.
They know that. They know that you are not a horrible person who wants women to be raped and minorities abused. They know that you fundamentally believe that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, that everyone should get to participate, and that everyone should have a voice.

By claiming in a really aggressive way that you do not believe those things, they stun you into being willing to make concessions that are UTTERLY UNREASONABLE, giving these people (who no one elected and for whom no minority asked them to be spokespeople) the power to censor, criminalize, crush dissent and impose their view on everyone through force. They are scaring you with false allegations into giving them undeserved power that they have every intention of abusing for their own purposes.  That's how totalitarians win.

The real 'false allegation' in this woman's piece of shit article was not her claims about being sexually attacked at just about every gaming venue imaginable (although those are so obviously ridiculous lies), the real false allegation was when she accused YOU, the reader, of being complicit in that. And her motive for doing so was to get personal gain for her and her group, which she plans to use to take away freedom of speech and to literally hurt other people (to ruin lives and careers).

So please consider this, and think carefully about just what is the really 'considerate' thing to do here.


Currenty Smoking: Lorenzetti Volcano + H&H's Beverwyck


  1. It takes a special kind of person who, finding themselves in a deep hole, continues to dig.

    *golf claps*

    1. The neck beard in chief knows not of you hole or digging, for they are swine-thoughts and must be purged!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Your comment is amazing. It's like a recursive reclusion; it is both black hole and supernova. It is both and neither here and there. It is the apotheosis of internet beta-male hipster idiocy. It is distilled, like poetry.

      And you brought your own shovel!

    5. You people have failed. We're not buying your bullshit anymore.

    6. Goony beard man white Knights up, surprising nobody.

  2. I'd be a lot more inclined to get out of the "Mushy Middle" (or what I call the "Goldilocks Zone") if you stopped taking right-wingers at their word and assuming that left-wingers are always lying. For you to claim that Emily Garland is lying about everything, but that Ezra Levant always tells the truth, makes me suspect that you are willing to ignore facts in order to promote your ideology.

    I like a lot of your work and I respect many of your opinions. When you start claiming that there is a vast conspiracy of SJWs who want to take over my hobby, though, I want to hand you a tin-foil hat. You will never convince me of something simply by proclaiming it over and over again - that's how totalitarians work.

    1. Alright, then - it still makes me wonder why someone would hold left-wing puritans to a different standard of truth than right-wing puritans.

      People who will lie to you to "prove" a point are totalitarians who want to control you. When I hear people repeating Ezra Levant's lies (such as his claim that 100% of Human Rights Commission cases in Canada are directed against conservatives, a lie which is easily disproven by browsing the public records online for a few minutes) it angers me as much as the outrage brigade angers Pundit.

      It angers me for the same reason, I think - I hate the fact that liars can manipulate people by lying to them.

    2. Alan: You don't need any tinfoil hat. Just look at what they have done over the last two years. Look at the various people, myself included, who they've LIED ABOUT, and who they've actively campaigned to try to blacklist or censor.

      And of course I don't believe that Ezra Levant always tells the truth, at least not in the sense of never having an ideological bias to what he's saying, and being selective about evidence and arguments in it.
      The key difference is that Ezra Levant doesn't want to censor me or use force to tell me what I have to do or not do, think or not think. And the Pseudo-Activist Swine DO.
      So I can agree or disagree with Levant on various things, but he is not an existential threat to my own freedom. The Regressive Left is.

    3. Show me something Ezra Levant (I don't quite get what he has to do with tabletop gaming, but I guess he's your boogeyman of choice) has said where he advocates censorship, and I will denounce him for it just as hard and just as fast. I'll do the same with ANY right winger who calls for censorship.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Re: Ezra Levant - yeah, he's a personal bugbear. He's had a disproportionate influence on politics in my province that has made everything worse for over 20 years.

      With regard to this case in particular, RPGPundit has described the Human Rights Commissions in Canada as "kangaroo courts" and claimed that 100% of the people charged have been conservatives. To my knowledge, Levant is the primary source for those false claims.

      I can't tell if Ms. Garland (or whatever name she goes by these days) is being completely honest, if she's motivated by false outrage, or whatever. I certainly think that the phrase "white male terrorism" is not going to bring allies flocking to her cause, but that's her problem. On the other hand, the human rights case she was involved in is legitimate - I read the decision in full, and I feel that the judge nailed it. So, in that sense, she has at least some credibility. There is a good chance that she is receiving at least some of the hate mail and threats that she claims, and sending rape threats is bullshit that no sensible person can condone.

      With regards to Mr. Levant - he claims to be an advocate for free speech, but he has been coins guilty of defamation multiple times. He attempts to silence and discredit his political opponents by accusing them of being Nazi collaborators, "grooming" children for sexual predation, being antisemitic, and so on. He also fired a columnist from his "news" organization for posting an article in favour of sex education on a different news website. His tactics (using his identity as a Jewish man, and therefore an oppressed victim) are disturbingly similar to those used by the neo-puritans on the left, who claim that they are exercising their right to free speech while they attempt to silence and shame their political opponents.

      That's why it irritates me when I see him being held up as a victim of oppression. He agitates that he was unfairly hauled before the HRC for publishing offensive cartoons, even though it was a private religious organization that made the complaint, and the system UNEQUIVOCALLY DEFENDED HIS RIGHT TO PUBLISH. Of course, acknowledging that the system actually works won't sell any of his shitty papers, so he libelled the lawyers who represented the complainants, and when they complained to his own law association that he had violated their professional code of conduct, he pretended that this was also oppression by a corrupt government. He's a sleaze with no regard for the truth, willing to make up lies to silence his opponents. It's not that he's selective about his facts - it's that he makes up lies when the facts don't support his opinions.

    6. I went to school with Ezra Levant. He's always been willing to be the asshole (but hey, so have I, guess it was something in the water back then), but he's also usually right (much more often than he's not). I'll note that back then my politics and his were quite opposite. Now they're amusingly much closer, not because my own values changed that much, but because the Left ABANDONED the liberal principles of Personal Freedom and the Right has embraced them far more than it used to.

      The system DID NOT work for Ezra. It failed to 'get' him, because he was well lawyered up, but it cost him a FORTUNE (far beyond what some average gamer schmuck could afford), took years of his life, and he has been pursued by the HRC ever since. Including, most recently, being brought up on charges by the HRC for the hate crime of.... criticizing the HRC!

      For which, he estimates that it will cost him a MINIMUM of another $25000 in legal fees.

      If this isn't persecution, intended to bankrupt and ruin someone even if the extremely open no-rule-of-law system of the HRC is able to find him guilty, then what is?

    7. I'll note too that when my politics were opposite to his, we were able to respect each other's positions and engage in debate. Because back then, the left (my side at the time) believed in the right to free speech, and believed in fighting it out on the debate floor with people we disagreed with, instead of trying to censor and silence them while we retreat to a 'safe space'.

      That's what has gone horribly wrong here.

    8. Ezra Levant has NEVER been pursued by the HRC. That's not even how it works. Someone has to register a complaint, and if it's heard, the HRC makes a ruling (and in most cases, they dismiss the complaint). And after the complaints against him were dismissed, Levant went after Giacomo Vigna, a lawyer for the HRC, accusing him of perjury and tampering with evidence. Vigna sued him for libel and won.

      Levant has repeatedly characterized the lawsuit as the HRC seeking "revenge" on him, but that's a blatant lie.

      I have no problem with the fact that Levant is an asshole. I'm an asshole sometimes, and some of my best friends are assholes. Back in my university days, Levant proclaimed that the U of A Faculty of Law was antisemitic because it was trying to set aside some enrolment seats for aboriginal students. I thought it was a funny way to address affirmative action.

      Since then, however, I've seen countless times where he has made statements that are simply false in order to support his conservative views. Most of the time, a simple internet search disproves his claim, but unless he gets sued, he usually just repeats the lie.

      Also, regarding the Mohammed cartoons - Levant and the Western Standard were well aware that they were stirring the pot when they published them. I completely defend their right to do so, even though I'm sure that they only did it to sell more copies. I'm sure that he's come out ahead on the financials. The guy is a lot like Michael Moore or Ann Coulter - they all have a talent for turning responses to their lies into more money.

    9. I really don't get the relevancy of Levant to this blog, but here's a final link to it, from Ezra in his own words about what the HRC is doing to him:

    10. It's not the HRC. It's the lawyer he libelled.

      But the words of a liar don't mean much; that's why I look at the judges' rulings. They're not perfect but they're more trustworthy.

    11. @skinner that court ruling you linked in the last posting was against an owner of a wine shop not a game store

    12. @skinner

      this one with Emily garland as the complainant

    13. Alan, I could be wrong but the right-wing puritans haven't been a force in RPGs since they perpetrated the Great Satanic scare back in the 80s. Even Hasbro has no problem having Demons and Devils in the game these days.

  3. The brilliance of the 'I was raped" argument is few are willing to stand up and say bull for fear of being called a rape apologist or deniar or whatever and thus bend over backwards to give extra loads of benefit of the doubt. SJW know this and use it very effectively. It is interesting to watch the effect in action.

  4. Would you care to link to the supposed demands she made for control of the hobby, or should we write this off as typical Pundit conspiracy theory bullshit?

    1. Here's a comment from someone at Wyrd:

    2. Wow, if what Nathan Carolund says is true, then Ms. Garland can take a hike. Or, you know, HELP Wyrd by giving them evidence to turf the offenders from their forum.

    3. She obviously can't help them because she's mostly making it all up. Because she, like most Regressive Left pseudo-activists, is a FILTHY MOTHERFUCKING LIAR.

  5. Interesting in a morbid way though.

    As others, Pundit and myself have said, the ingrained fear any decent person has of being accused of rape is extremely powerful.

    To falsely accuse someone of being a rapist or supporter of rape is the lowest of the low. It ruins careers and lives regardless of the truth of the accusations.

    It's the Nuclear Bomb of the Gender Debates. And it's used so frequently and with such recklessness by SJWs/Regressives that people are starting to wake up and finally call bullshit to Peters incessant calls of Wolf.

    The real crime in all this is it trivializes rape. To use an SJW term it trivializes the "lived experiences" of those Women and Men who have suffered real rape.

    SJW's and 3rd Wave Feminists through there weaponization of Rape for use in Gender Politics have done far more harm to rape survivors than any good.

    The ends do not justify the means!

  6. The short of it
    Here here Pundit, again well said. P.S.

    And why not just use the term "Regressive" instead of Pseudo Activist Swine. Regressive is a term gaining wider and wider traction and use in the anti-sjw movement. It would be clearer to your readers who you are referring to if you used the term and would come of as less "conspiracy'ish" to those in the political compass middle (where most folks reside).


    Ian Wyckof: (this isn’t all directed at you, just the first bit on the political compass and even then respectfully so)

    I disagree on lack of importance of the Left/Right axis in current day politics. I only bring this up as I see more and more folks who state that the Totalitarian/Libertarian axis is the only real axis these days.

    Though I agree the State/Individual axis is the more important of the two, I think the Progressive/Conservative axis is still still of import.

    If the State has more control than the individual, then that State can enforce whatever values it holds (be they progressive or conservative) on the individual. Where if the individual holds power over themselves, who cares if your neighbour is a Progressive as he'll leave you to your Conservativeness (being the good libertarian progressive that he is).

    So yes the Libertarian vs. the Totalitarian axis is the most important. But almost as important is the traditional Left/Right axis as what sort of world will the Totalitarians impose on you if they win?

    As for Gaming, I fully support Progressive Libertarian gamers as they become the change in gaming they want to see. I can't stand their games usually or there gaming ethos but they aren't forcing it on me. They are playing their games at the con at their table, having fun, and leaving me to my and mine at my table with our dusty old 1st edition traditional books.

    That is also one of the great thing things about the OSR. The Conervative’ish, as far as gaming is concerned, Libertarian mindset. They liked old Games for their ethos and became the change they wanted to see. They self published and brought back and old table to the gaming con so to speak. All without the wailing and gnashing of teeth shaming attempts to force game companies to adopt their values and change gaming back to the way it was in the olden days.

    (Yes there are plenty of OSR’rs who did want to force others to game their way, and shame those who didn’t. But they are totalitarians at hear themselves, and thus as bad as the Progressive Totalitarian gamers).

    Be the type of Gaming you want to see. Either make those kinds of games yourself, or support those games which match with your internal politics and ignore the others.

    Just don’t tell me how to game, and if you do using shaming tactics and worst of all accusations of being a Rape Apologist then you deserve no mercy in the public forum. You are scum using scumbag tactics and deserver to be treated no better than the scum you are.

  7. I made it into your blog. :) That made my day. I'm just a guy with a webcam trying to be honest about my reactions to things and opinions. I don't know the truth about the situation so I mainly focused on the topic of harassment and how I won't stand for it at my table or around me. I'm not for censorship in any way, and if that was the goal then I wasn't swayed in that direction. I have no problem being against intimidation, abuse, harassment or censorship. I can never get notifications from blog posts to work, so if you want to contact me hit me up in the comment section on the video in question or over on Google+. Thanks.

  8. I'm on the other side of this argument. I don't think Pundit goes far enough in his argument. My guess is that the Totalitarian SWJ's don't want to control our little hobby. They want to destroy it.

    But why would anyone want to do that? Because Totalitarians can not abide personal creativity. And in our day and age what we have here is a hobby that is focused on and devoted to individual creativity. This is where the truly creative people turn to relax, enjoy themselves and have fun. So naturally it would become a target of the Totalitarians, just like a nice outdoor cafe becomes a target for terrorists. The point is to destroy that which is good and wonderful in the world, and thereby depress and terrorize those who are too weak to fight back.

    The Totalitarians are not coming. They are already here, and disguised as SJWs. You should stop bickering with Pundit about whether or not you can negotiate with the Orcs. He's right. You can't. You Hobbit folk would be better off shutting the gate and arming yourselves for ideological war. The only disagreement I have with him is on its scope. I think the attack on RPGs is merely one front on which the Totalitarians are moving. And an important one.

    Individual creativity is an affront, even a danger to the Totalitarians. Therefore they will attack it. Be ready to fight. And as Pundit says, your weapons are Mockery and Disgust. This is a war of hearts and minds. Be victorious.

    1. Put down The Fountainhead, take a couple of deep breaths and get some fresh air, man.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. One side is trying to control the words we can use and products that can be made. They are wrong and that should be pointed out.

    4. The analogy with Daesh is interesting - I guess the motivation is indeed similar, as is the way they can draw on a broad pool of support from ideologically primed sympathisers.

  9. Bah stupid phone. Deleted above post for grammar.

  10. Put down "Rules for Radicals", take a couple of deep breaths and then pick up "Freedom to Choose".

  11. Well said mate. For nice liberal centrists, freeing their minds from SJW control is the first step into freedom.

  12. Seems like a very emotional bit of a knee-jerk reaction.

    Reminds me of a story. Two friends raised here in the US, both Chinese, were travelling in Oregan and asked some questions in a park information station. When they turned the corner to use the bathroom, they overheard the park attendants talking to each other: "Wow, what good English!"

    Maybe most of the travelers there are Japanese and Chinese tourists, coming in droves on tour buses, speaking little to no English. The rangers probably deal with that on a regular basis. The number of American-born Chinese they deal with? Less frequently, perhaps?

    Are the park rangers malicious? It wasn't said maliciously. The interactions weren't malicious. Were they prejudice? I mean, sure. By definition. They pre-judged the person based on appearance. Does that usually serve them well? Perhaps it does, but in this case you have someone who's been raised in this country, looks different from normal, and has to deal with this sort of thing on a regular basis. At some point you get frustrated or angry. My friends relate this in a half-heartedly funny "those stupid park rangers" sort of way, but then again this wasn't really a situation that threatened their safety, so it's easy to be dismissive, or just a little peeved.

    1. And this is where the P-word makes itself known, to the dismay of people who are the norm... Privilege. I can already virtually see all the cringing. And yet, there it is. I would most regularly be identified as a "white male", so I benefit from it. Is it what defines me? No. Is it responsible for all the stuff I have accomplished? No. Does it discount my hard work? My personality? My creativity? No. Has it helped? Probably, and probably in many instances I wouldn't have noticed it, either.

      Here has been my favorite definition of Privilege in recent months:

      "Privilege simply means that a person has been given a benefit in some way based on who they are, that other people who aren’t like them aren’t given. We are all privileged in some way along certain axes, and lack privilege along other axes. Possessing privilege in one area doesn’t make you a bad person, but it does have a tendency to prevent you from noticing the needs and feelings of those who lack that same privilege. This can lead to inadvertently hurting someone without meaning to, and that’s not fun for anyone.

      When talking about privilege, sometimes, you may feel you’re being attacked, but please keep in mind that what’s really happening is probably that you’re having your privilege pointed out. This can be very uncomfortable if you’ve never had to confront it before, but it’s important to see things from more than just your own perspective.

      To be an ally, demonstrate it with your actions by educating yourself on issues you’re not familiar with, and respectfully listening when you are out of your depth and helping to amplify their voices. It’s not your fault you were born with a certain privilege, but it is your decision what to do with it."

    2. I think the biggest problem is that people take immediate offense, especially when someone is talking about "white males" as a whole, and you feel attacked. And that's fair.

      But it's funny to me that people who I find normally make "un-PC" jokes, and say "Hey man, it's just a joke. Grow some skin", appear to also the first ones to jump and claim REVERSE RACISM! Grow some skin, man.

      Is it really that hard to believe that a white male-dominated hobby treats many outsiders in such a manner? Not to me. I see it, infrequently, but I do see it. And I feel lucky because I live in a pretty diverse part of the country, in urban south California. The game cons have been consistently getting more diverse over the last few years. I see much more women openly gaming, and more non-white folks.

      And do you know what they want there? To have fun. Do you know how many of them are looking for a fight to pick over a wrong word or look? Very few, in my experience (actually zero, but that's just my experience; obviously yours is different, or perceived as different).

      And you know what, a Code of Conduct is not the DEATH KNELL for the hobby. Having Trigger Warnings doesn't mean the game is CENSORED... it means the game is played, but the correct people can more easily avoid it, so they don't have to deal with what can be a traumatic situation they weren't ready for.

      And before you say "...but they want to censor all...", all I know is that the last 4 cons I've gone to have consistently made progress in providing Code of Conducts and other tools, and have NOT censored games, and the results have been consistently better and diverse players and games.

      I'm sorry, but this email just inspires me to be more vocal, because it just feals like the fear mongering from a different side.

      And for each complaint about "SJW" (Social Justice Warrior) I see, I just see more and more of you as the SQW (Status Quo Warriors) you play at. Do not fear some changes! Changes can be good. And you know what, when suddenly all the white males are behaving well and the "SJWs" are going off on things that everyone thinks are unimportant, the pendulum will swing the other way... but we aren't there yet. Not by a long shot.

    3. To use SJW terminology, in your last paragraph you seem to be victim blaming. If White Men would just stop acting like White Men then SJW's wouldn't have to spend so much time educating them in the error of their ways.

      Parent to their rebelious child. "I wouldn't have to beat you if you'd just do what I say in the first place."

      Were not Status Quo warriors, we're individual liberty warriors. Progressivism or the Status Quo wouldn't matter if no one could force either upon you. The fact that SJW's constantly seek to use authority figures (Teachers, Government, Social Media Mobs) to enforce their world view on others IS the root of this problem.

      We so called Status Quo Warriors are not seeking to force the status quo on anyone. We are reactionaries to the Authoritarianism of the SJW's.

      Just lay down, learn your place, and let them walk over you, why do you keep resisting shitlords, you're just making it worse for yourself.

      To that I say "Don't tread on me".

    4. As a latino, I can say that white western women are by far the MOST privileged human beings on the planet. Everyone kowtows to them. Now, they can put someone in prison who they don't like just by saying so.

      So really, Fuck you and your notions of privilege. Fuck you and your whole "making speech-restrictions makes us more free" Orwellian bullshit.

      That won't fly. Your side's ATROCIOUS behavior has made certain that no one will take you spoiled fucking assholes seriously and let you become petit-fascists in our hobby.

      No 'change' that involves letting a tiny self-styled elite get to tell the rest of us what to do would ever be good, nor will it ever happen. You have lost this war before even starting it you fascist fuck.

    5. You know Pundit, I used to think you were a harmless malcontent. I think different now. This response of yours to Tomes' thoughtful, and reasoned post shows me that much. It deserved a response in kind. Instead you've posted this screed of hateful, vindictive bile. I can literally see the spittle flying out from between your clenched teeth while pounding the keys on your keyboard while reading it. What happened to you in your life that made you this way? Something turned you into this twisted, awful man who utterly lacks empathy and sees anything and anyone as a threat. I honestly feel sorry for you. I mean that sincerely.

    6. Privilege is bullshit and the logic collaspaes in on itself. Also, Tomss well reasoned post is arguing a point that the original article wasn't arguing so what does it have to do with what we are talking about?

      Also the biggest boost somebody can have isn't being white or male. It's growing up in a household with your mother and father being married

    7. A post filled with vicious personal attacks against Tomes is however a valid argument? How about I write what I feel and you write what you feel? That way you don't get to play content police and you get to keep making "but not all men" arguments as you did above. Everybody wins.

    8. Yeah, I'm sure you held me in fine esteem and aren't just a sack of shit out to attack me in the name of your bullshit Totalitarian cause, you cunt. We've certainly seen from your postings in this thread that you are an unbiased objective poster without any agenda who is guided by reason.

    9. Right. Anybody who disagrees with you is a cunt.

      I'm curious, do you have one of those rooms where you have a wall of documents pinned to the wall, connected by red thread, that map out this vast conspiracy? That would be pretty cool, to like, you know, stand in front and smoke, brow furrowed.

    10. Where do conspiracy theories enter into this? Your side, including the person who wrote the tumblr piece, OPENLY ADMIT they want to censor the hobby. This one wanted the company she planned to censor to pay her for it, and threatened them with legal action if they didn't.

    11. He won't answer that. They want to control what we can say and what games we can play because their ideas fail in the marketplace so they use fear and intimidation to silence people.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I don't doubt that the attacks she discussed happened, all of them happening to HER otoh, I have some doubts about.

    the white guys greeting the guy with "My nigger" could have been a misunderstanding, or taken out of context. I ran into a friend of mine at a bar once back in college and greeted him such. the others he was there with were less then happy that a scrawny white guy was using that word around them, and things almost became violent. I apologized and offered to buy a pitcher of beer, and all was forgiven. Maybe one of the people at the table was friends with the guy who took off. We don't know. We don't have the full context of the story, just her word on it.

    Before I was into RPGs I was into comics, the comic shop owner started taking advantage of me (not like she the woman from the earlier post) and so I quit collecting comics cold turkey, because as much as I loved comics, I thought that the treatment I was receiving was worse then the love of the hobby.

  15. It is as Vox Day says in his book: SJWs Always Lie.

    They Lie.
    They Double-Down.
    They Project.

    (Usually in that order.)

    More of the same here.

    1. Vox Day is a racist jackass

    2. I agree with you, Kenny. It doesn't mean he's always wrong.

    3. No but by using him when there are far better people that have said roughly the same things it just hurts our ability to fight these fools. Pundit, you've basically said the same thing and you don't give two shits that my wife is Hui Chinese

  16. Your reviewing nemesis from Holland wholeheartedly agrees with you. You guys should write something together

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why in the world would I need to collaborate with what amounts to a fanboy? He's also got a lot of work to do on his communication skills.

  17. Check this out - Adamant Entertainment's director, Gareth-Michael Skarka fully supports "The accusation is the evidence" mentality. I know this because, when I asked him about it, he said that yes, he was OK with going after the innocent to get the guilty and called it a good thing.

    Perhaps you should give the company a call at (785) 393-8290 and ask why it is OK for the director of the company to decide that punishing the innocent is an acceptable and preferable action.

    1. And because I believe in applying my standards, here is the proof:

