The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Monday 4 April 2016

Tabletop Gaming has a Pseudo-Activist Outrage Brigade Verbal-Terrorism Problem

Some of you have probably seen it by now, the latest pathetic attempt by the professional victims who have spent the past few years trying to take over the RPG hobby. Well, this last year they laid pretty low, because they'd basically failed, thanks to me and people like me not putting up with their bullshit.

Now the new salvo is out, which is so absurd I'll share it with you for comic effect.  Go, laugh at this stupid lying sack of shit. Because really, there's only two adequate answers to this kind of total bullshit: MOCKERY, and DISGUST.  I recommend both.

I mean, what a load of nonsense. I'm sorry, but if you are imagining you are being raped all the time everywhere you go, you may want to consider it might be you.

Or to put it another way: if someone is claiming to be constantly harassed like this, in what is in fact one of the most inclusive hobbies around, then she is either mentally ill or, far more likely, she has a *personal ideological agenda* where she's using rape as a kind of *verbal terrorism* to try to play on people's sympathy to get her way.  It's fucking disgusting.  

Especially when these transparently fake claims about our hobby came out when the author was denied what she felt was her right to get to censor a gaming company.  How dare they not let her decide what is best for the rest of us?!
Especially when the person in question is part of a movement with a LONG HISTORY OF LIES, of the worst kind of lies, just to get their way.  These are the same fucking pieces of garbage who lied about me (remember, when they specifically targeted me by name in their effort to take me out for being an influence on the new edition of D&D?).  They lied about a number of other figures of prominence in RPGs that are in their way, they'll lie about anyone they hate and want to get rid of.

Apparently, that includes all regular gamers. Because that's what they're doing above, lying about all of us.

What the Outrage Brigade Pseudo-Activists are ironically counting on using here, to get their way, is the basic GOODNESS of most Regular Gamers! If they present the argument as "you either do what we tell you or you're obviously supporting RAPE!" then most people, being basically good, do not want to be thought of as supporting rape, and will acquiesce to whatever these assholes' demands are.

FUCK THAT. If we know they're LYING SACKS OF SHIT, we don't have to pretend to care about their ridiculous absurd lies.   We can feel completely free to mock them because THEY are the ones who have made a mockery of rape by using it as a tool of verbal terrorism.

But it won't work anymore. Too many Pseudo-activists have told too many lies.  It's 2016, and we're not falling for this outrage brigade bullshit anymore.


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Poker + H&H's Beverwyck

Here's a comment from someone at Wyrd, pointing out the real story behind this of how the person who wrote the tumblr post has engaged in a campaign of trying to force that company to hire her as it's official censor.  


  1. Your take on this is morally moronic.

    1. My take on this is that outright lies should be responded to with mockery and insult. Trying to respond to them at any other level just plays into their hands.

    2. Transparently obvious absurd lies deserve no response other than obvious ridicule and dismissal.

  2. Pundit, you've written a lot of good things, but this statement
    'I'm sorry, but if you are being raped all the time everywhere you go, you may want to consider it might be you' is really not one of them, whatever the flaws of the piece you're criticizing. I know you (or at least your online persona) well enough not to expect a retraction, but I know real people who are sexual abuse victims, and I'm not going to let that kind of statement pass without comment.

    1. Do you know real, credible, non-mentally ill people who are being raped every time they step into a gaming store?

      Because that's what we're talking about here. The author of the hit piece above was pissed off that a gaming company wouldn't let her be in charge of what they name their characters, and so jumped to making up a bunch of lies about harassment and rape.

      You know what's probably worse than rape? LYING ABOUT RAPE. It devalues rape. It destroys the credibility of real victims. To use rape as a tactic in order to win a political argument for your side, to silent dissent by making them be afraid of being thought of as pro-rape, is the most appallingly evil act of anti-feminism I can imagine, because it is betraying actual real victims.

      If you know real people who are sexual abuse victims, you should be outraged at the author of the original article, not at me. She's the one who is making it 1000% harder for the people you know who are real victims.

    2. And you know she's lying about being raped here, with what proof?

      I seem to recall somebody on this selfsame blog moaning about being persecuted without any proof.

      Putting your hypocrisy aside, this post of yours is the most tone deaf thing I've ever seen. This is some real hateful, vile shit you're spewing here.

    3. Am I being tone-deaf, bitch? GOOD! That means I'm not letting myself be manipulated into excusing a group of power-mad assholes who use our natural sense of decency against us to take over the fucking hobby and impose their totalitarian agenda!

      So yeah, if you want to moan about being tone deaf, that's on YOU, it's because YOUR fucking side WEAPONIZED VICTIMHOOD.

    4. Pundit, I think in your zealotry to write in all caps you forgot to add in the part where you have proof she's lying about being raped. It's understandable, caps lock is cruise control for cool, after all.

      I'm not on anybodies side, I'm just pointing out the absolute insanity if your post. Reasonable people can disagree reasonably. Have an issue with calling it "terrorism",okay. But to sit there and yell about how she's lying about being raped while firing broadsides from the S.S. Ad Hominem without any sort of proof is fucking vile, and least of all not a reasonable, proportional response.

    5. What her side wants is reasonable people to act reasonably; that's how they win. Because they NEVER act reasonably. They make outrageous claims and outrageous demands, and if you act reasonably they just demand more, until they get what they want. And what they want is nothing less than absolute control of the hobby and the power to impose a totalitarian regime of censorship and thought control.

      So I don't give a twopenny fuck about being 'reasonable' here. You fight fire with fire. Outrageous demands require an outrageous response.

    6. They want to impose a totalitarian regime of censorship and thought control. That's a hard pill to swallow. Harder still, if you think about it for a second. This "opposition" you keep referencing must have said "Hey, you know what would be the best way to go about installing a totalitarian regime of censorship and thought control? Elfgames, of course!".

      Take a step back and look at the bullshit you're typing here, it makes you positively unhinged.

      Still waiting for you to provide proof that this woman wasn't sexually assaulted by the way. Or you know, you can keep dodging that, whatever's cool.

    7. He's not skeptical. He's outright stating she's lying. There's a difference.

    8. You don't need to swallow any pill: look at what they did with me in Consultantgate. Look at how they tried to blackball Desborough. Look at how they tried to impose censorship on OBS. Look at endless postings demanding that RPG writers or companies censor themselves. Look at how they went after Monty Cook. Look at THIS VERY PERSON'S attempt to censor Wyrd, just before writing her little tantrum of lies in response to not being given the power she demanded.

    9.'ve got nothing but half-baked conspiracy theories? Got it.

    10. Jason Bossert, if you read Wyrm's reply, they state that she never supplied any proof of her being harassed and threatened online, despite being given a chance to do so.
      So if she lied there, isn't it safe to assume that some or all of her laundry list of victimization might be bullshit?
      Here in the U.S. you have to prove a crime occurred, not that it didn't.

    11. I'm aware of a criminal burden of proof. We are not in a criminal court here, tpeck. Isn't it just as likely she didn't want to continue this situation further by engaging with Wyrd? This is a common thing that harassment victims do, they just want it to be over. Also, who is Wyrd to ask for proof of her harassment? They're a fucking miniatures company. It would be enough to just take it at face value and ask people to be nice. We're talking about forum moderation here.

      But, even if we take your stance. And, assume she lied about the online harassment. Do you really think she would then make up an elaborate tale that takes place over many years that includes multiple instances of sexual harassment and a rape? I find this doubtful. Too many people in this thread, are too quick to dismiss valid concerns about the inclusiveness of the hobby. And I'd say that they bare looking at. Instead, it's just easier to dismiss her out of hand as one of those "Tumblr people" and dogpile.

    12. "Do you really think she would then make up an elaborate tale that takes place over many years that includes multiple instances of sexual harassment and a rape?"

      So your stance is that it would be somehow improbable that she would make up a bunch of string pulling stories about harassment? Adding in descriptors of the transgressors to manipulate the audience like the "balding" store clerk, because you know all bald people are pervert rapists of course.
      “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed!” he chuckles in glee." She should have added in that he was rubbing his genitals at the same time to go along with her ham fisted description there.
      And you're saying that when given the chance to provide proof of online harassment she only didn't because she wanted it to be over, but then proceeded to write that overly long blog about it all, not only telling about the harassment but all the major instances in her life?
      And this is after she had a history of following through on a lawsuit, so clearly she was so traumatized she tried to avoid the whole thing.

    13. Who won that lawsuit, against the employer who she said allowed sexual harassment against her to continue? Pretty sure she did. Doesn't that strengthen the validity of what she's saying here? A court found that it did occur and awarded damages. But she must be a liar. Somehow.

    14. No, that just reinforces that if she did have proof of online harassment, she would definitely use it. She didn't, so it's even more likely that it doesn't exist. She probably banked on her past history being enough to intimidate Wyrm, but clearly it wasn't.

    15. Oh, why would anyone lie about stuff like this?

      Rather than assuming that the accused is innocent until proven guilty, dumbass wants everyone to "listen & believe."

    16. It was a case before the incredibly biased HRC. Not a lawsuit in the type of court where regular rules of evidence apply.

      In any case, let's pretend for a moment that all her bullshit is true. How does that translate into meaning that on account of that we need to give her and her Fellow Travelers the power to CENSOR our entire fucking hobby? In what way is that the correct solution to this problem they claim exists? Especially given the blatant ideological agenda they espouse, the fact that many of them are known and proven LIARS and manipulators with records of corruption who believe that truth is totally irrelevant to the 'end goal' of getting what they want, that their vision for what the hobby would be like is appalling to anyone who believes in free speech, and the little detail that they've never produced anything but shit games?

  3. I'm not 'outraged', but that sentence I quoted verges on victim-blaming and I'm not going to not say anything... As for the backstory you mention, yes I've heard that, and that and the tone of the piece make me not want to go and share it. But that doesn't mean she didn't suffer sexual abuse and harassment in gaming shops and conventions. Even if it was a complete fabrication, I don't think she's making it '1000% harder' for real victims (they have enough to deal with, and one blogger who's into a niche hobby is not going to make a difference).

    1. If any of it wasn't a complete fabrication, it would mean she needs help, not that she needs to deserve to take over the hobby and tell the rest of us what we are or are not allowed to write or game.

    2. Okay, maybe I missed something, but I'm asking in good faith: where did she express the intention 'to take over the hobby and tell the rest of us what we are or are not allowed to write or game'?

    3. Her team, the Tumblr Outrage Brigade, have been pushing that for the last several years, dude. Quit pretending that's not true. Or maybe you missed that time when they tried to blackball me and destroy my career, or that time they tried to impose censorship rules on the major online storefront of the hobby, or the many many times they've attacked and tried to shut down anything they personally don't like, using victimhood as a weapon to those ends.

      But she, in particular, went on this rant after she wasn't allowed to censor a particular game line's products that she didn't personally like.

  4. Seems to me that nobody in her story treated her as if they considered her credible. Also she continued working at a store under constant harassment and never considered (1) leaving (2) a sexual harassment suit.

    Something doesn't ring true in her tail.

  5. I don't believe what she is saying in that post is accurate and I think the writer is mentally unwell and needs to seek guidance from a medical expert. She libels people and the hobby and I'm not down with that. I don't believe the story about her being 13 and the owner saying that. Middle aged bald men have teenaged children.

    This reminds me of the Rolling Stone article. She hits all the notes the members of her political movement get off on. It's not and she is not credible. And I don't think we should throw logic and reason out the window when people like her say things like this. These sorts of things can do real damage to people.

    I don't think she deserves to be harnessed because it's obvious she is not mentally well.

    1. While I have concerns about the writer's possible agenda(s), there's nothing too improbable about a (nameless) store owner being an enormous perv (just as you could find enormous pervs working in a kebab shop or anywhere else. Some of them with teenaged children, FWIW). I don't think anyone's in a position to say 'this person is lying', or 'this person is telling the unvarnished truth'.

    2. extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Think about what the write said about the store owner. He said something so terrible that a group of random folks started chanting it? It's just not believable. It's too perfect. Do you have any friends in law enforcement? Ask them what happens when they are investigating something that is "too perfect" it's not believable. Things don't line up like this.

      I'm a math person. It's what I went to school for. The math doesn't add up.

      I think that this is another person that wants to virtue signal to her tribe and wants to admiration that comes from this sort of posting. And, anybody who says anything like "wait a second" will be told to shut up and by just questioning it WE ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. It's strait out of the Marxist playbook that these folks play by.

    3. proven in studies that maths ppl more likely to skew results if maths concerns a ideological issue than a non maths person or if problem has no issues, just saying bro

  6. Also if what these folks believed to be true was the math would support it but the math doesn't. It's a small clique of people that seem to spend more time discussing how terrible the hobby is than discussing the cool shit they are doing in their game. It's not believable.

  7. She DID pursue a sexual harassment suit. Her former employer claimed she was fired because she was complaining about schedule changes, she claimed that she was fired because she told her boss she was filing a lawsuit if he didn't stop a dipshit customer from sexually harassing her.

    The judge ruled that the employer was lying and made him pay a Canadian record-breaking settlement of almost $8,000.

    1. Here's a link to how credible her bullshit about Wyrd is, or rather isn't:

    2. The "trial" Skinner was referring to is the infamously leftist non-court known as the Human Rights Commission, which in Canada has often been used to promote leftist agendas, up to and including the attempted silencing of the press.

    3. Here's the link to the decision. Read the whole thing before you decide if she was really harassed or not:

      And Pundit, there isn't just one Human Rights Commission in Canada. That's provincial jurisdiction, so there's a separate one for each province. And they aren't "leftist" or "non-courts", they are presided over by judges and make legally binding rulings. Most of the complaints about them that I know of come from one Ezra Levant, a pseudo-conservative jackass who regularly tries to avoid responsibility for his libels and slanders by claiming that they are "free speech". He's also the dude who fired a prominent columnist from his organization for being "off-message" about an issue.

      Ezra Levant claims that he is being "silenced" when he publishes lies and gets sued for it. He also claimed that he was being "silenced" when he testified, under oath, that neither he nor any of his employees were journalists, and then made a stink when the provincial government wouldn't let one of his "non-journalists" into a "journalists-only" press conference (a dumb move by the government, for sure, but he was quick to capitalize on it when they apologized and fixed the problem the next day).

      I believe in free speech, but I also believe that people who knowingly spread lies and refuse to retract them should be held accountable. I have exactly zero sympathy for Levant, and have read enough of his blatant lies that I don't trust anything he says without corroborating evidence.

    4. Mark Steyn went before those courts for promoting hate against Muslims because he directly quoted a European Iman. The case was 100% ideologically based.

    5. Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn were both among the people persecuted by the HRC. Levant spent years having to fight a case for his RIGHT, as a JOURNALIST to publish the Mohammed cartoons. He was more recently brought up before the HRC for.. get this... the crime of CRITICIZING THE HRC!

      The HRC was specifically set up by leftist political bureaucrats as a way to circumvent the much tighter rule of law in REAL COURTS. All so that they can impose their specific agenda of only ever going after people who are on their list of disliked groups. Somehow you never see any "Death to the Jews" Muslim preachers or Jihadis ending up on there, or any militant "kill all white men" feminists.

      By what is no doubt sheer coincidence, it's always somehow Right Wing activists or journalists or writers or artists, or conservative Chrsitians who get brought up in front of the Kangaroo Court. Funny that.

    6. The HRC afforded her a free legal representative, but not to the defendant, who had to act as his own lawyer. How fucked up is that.

    7. You need to check your facts. Levant was brought up before the Alberta Human Rights Commission (established by a right-wing government) for publishing the infamous 2005 Mohammed cartoons. The HRC dismissed the charges.

      Levant has also been brought up before the Alberta Law Society on complaints of unprofessional conduct, and he has lost several defamation suits in regular courts. He claims that those were in "retaliation" for the Mohammed cartoons, but if you look at the specific cases it's obviously unrelated. The cases he lost were ones where he accused people of perjury, antisemitism, Nazi collaboration, and so on, usually without bothering to do the most basic research or fact-checking.

      Mark Steyn was brought before a different commission (the Ontario Human Rights Commission) and the charges were also dismissed.

      Most of the rulings of the various HRCs has to do with wrongful dismissal (for example, I knew a guy who worked for a call centre; when he started to go deaf, he asked for a different position and they fired him. The AHRC awarded damages because his employer didn't even try to find him a different position).

      Ezra Levant's claim that HRC complaints and decisions are only directed against white conservative Christians is BS (he's Jewish, BTW). Levant simply knows that he can spread lies faster than others can spread facts, and he doesn't even get called on 90% of the lies that he publishes.

      Pundit, you usually do a good job separating fact from opinion, and I respect that. Levant's claims that his free speech is being oppressed in Canada are a pile of crap, though, and you shouldn't believe them just because your political views occasionally align with his. Levant doesn't care about free speech; he just pretends to as part of his own money-making outrage machine which is just as bad as the leftist outrage brigade.

    8. In both cases the charges were dismissed because Levant and Steyn were smart enough of how the fix was in to massively lawyer up and make a big scene of it, so that the HRC would have been exposed as the fucking ideological inquisition it is. And even so, it cost both men a ridiculous amount of time and money (enough that a lot of people with less resources than they had would have been ruined) and the HRC continues to act with impunity.

      As for Levant being Jewish, which is a nice bit of irrelevant anti-semitism on your part, we all know that the Jews are part of the Regressive Left's targets. The Left is incredibly anti-semitic, along with their cozying up to Islamism. The ONLY time you'll ever see the Regressive Left take the side of a Jew is if said Jew is denouncing the state of Israel or if they have been harassed by people they can pin as being "christians".

      And free speech IS being repressed in Canada. Witness the recent intimidation by Police against free speech online:

      Take note of the case of the man who faced the threat of a 10 year prison sentence and was totally bankrupted with legal fees for the 'crime' of having disagreed with feminists on the internet.

    9. I know this is from 6 years ago, but watching someone talk about how Canada doesn't suppress free speech, with the hindsight of how Trudeau literally declared martial law to deal with a peaceful protest of "the wrong people" makes the lie even more obvious and hilarious.

  8. All this really is, is victimhood on Prozac.

    1. Anyway, the whole point of the article is to make white male terrorists a thing.

  9. You can tell when someone is being sincere (generally). I had a hard time swallowing these stories. It was WAY too sensational. However, that shouldn't diminish real sexual harassment or rape. I have not know many rape survivors who like or even reluctantly like to talk about it. She could be telling the truth but I am seriously leery. Now, had she approached me in a game store asking for help from a leering group of mouth-breathing Hills-Have-Eyes mutants pointing and chanting "if it's old enough to bleed, it's old enough to breed." there would likely be violence.

    Perhaps her summary of the abuse she has suffered at the hands of male gamers is this egregious. If that is the case, then an investigation is in order. Charges should be filed. Even better, some enterprising person really needs to start a gaming store in that area; one more inclusive and willing to stamp out the overt cat-calling and humiliation she described.

    Don't toss the baby out with the bathwater. Is this a likely over-exaggeration to push an agenda? Yes. Does that mean those of us suspicious of the post are rape-apologists? Rapists? Absolutely not. I'm a feminist. I support equal rights, equal pay and equal respect. If this woman is using rape in the matter Pundit accuses her of she would be the biggest hypocrite ever (I will use feminist verbal terrorism to combat your white verbal terrorism!).

    I hope we all can do more to prevent the mistreatment of people in our hobby. I know many of us are aware and conscious of it in our games, our volunteerism and behavior. If you're being abused, raped, fondled, harassed or hurt in some manner PLEASE seek out your friends, the police, your family and REPORT it! Find allies in your life who will support you and lean on them as you fight for your rights to be treated fairly and equally. All white gamer men are not evil rape-sympathizers, harassers or miscreants.

    My biggest issue with this article is the gross categorization and hatred towards a race-gender combination. This article could have been written with less witch-hunting and a little more personal ownership (this is what happened to me and I'm still concerned...).

    There was no reason to light this fire as a beacon to the subject at hand. A simple "I'm still concerned, here's why, please let me know if are too..." would have gone much further in helping everyone relate (and empathize).

  10. Late to the party. Who is this latining and what does she want with Malifaux? I tried googling and found wyrms response, which seemed reasonable. But nothing explained original issue.

  11. Considering your personal history with these kinds of accusations I can understand why you may take the stance that you do in this post.
    I can understand defending yourself against people who are directly attacking you, especially if you are in the right.
    But this is an attack on someone who has not even mentioned you in their article, regardless of their "affiliation".
    The fact is that these kinds of things described in the article really are happening to ladies, all around you. Everywhere.
    Not just in game stores and cons but in coffee shops, school work, and on the street.
    Every single woman you know has dealt with these kinds of horror stories. And the reaction she describes from officials, bosses, and even the police is the reason why people here about it so little and why so often they say nothing.
    Not to mention your reaction here.
    But if you sit down with your wife or girlfriend and ask them if they have ever had this sort of thing happen to them, not just at a con but anywhere in the world, then you will be in for a heck of an awakening.
    Yep there are a lot of good guys out there, but there are bad guys too, and they're a lot busier than the good guys.
    So to all gamers, and all men out there, it's just as bad to tell those "harmless" sexist jokes, as it is for the racist ones.
    It promotes a society that makes it seem to those bad guys that it is okay to do these things.
    Don't be that guy.
    I know that this sort of writing may be good for getting a lot of views, or for venting rage about what you feel were false allegations, but they make you and all men seem exactly like the kind of men she is describing.

    1. What a crock of shit. The unmitigated gall of claiming that an entire hobby consists of nothing but white male terrorist rapists, when it is in fact one of the most inclusive subcultures around, just to try for an unmitigated power grab, demands nothing but contempt in response.

      This isn't about protecting women, it's ALL about being in control. Her post was written in frustration at not being pandered to in her DEMANDS that she get to be the CENSOR of a game company.

      If she, and you, want to see a real "rape culture", I recommend checking out Afghanistan or Nigeria. There is no civilization in the history of humankind that has a better record of defending women's rights than the West.

  12. "I'm sorry, but if you are being raped all the time everywhere you go, you may want to consider it might be you."

    By my count, aside from the occasion when she was 13, she cites two instances of sexual assault and eleven instances of sexual harassment, over a period of eleven years (2005-15). Does that number really seem so impossible for you to believe?

    One can reasonably argue over what can and should be done about it. But a woman claiming that she's experienced, on average, one instance of sexual harassment a year while actively engaging in a heavily male-dominated hobby hardly seems grounds for declaring she must be a MAD EVIL LYING LIAR WHO LIES.

    1. It does when she defines the WHOLE HOBBY by it. It does when she comes out with these stories immediately after being denied what she sees as her vagina-given right to censor a gaming company. It does when she's an active part of a whole group of people with similar goals of controlling and censoring the hobby who have a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of totally pulling out complete LIES out of their asses.

    2. Joseph, as you can see from Pundit's response here and elsewhere in this thread, reason will not work. Everything is a vast conspiracy against him and traditional gaming. Including this woman's sexual assault and harassment. He must be delirious from the pain. It's no small feat to nail yourself to a cross after all.

    3. Jason Bossert, if you feel that way about the pundit, why do you bother to post here? Clearly, it pisses you off that he vehemently disagrees with the author of that blog. I suspect you're just trying to score points with your SJW buddies.

    4. Eh. Really? I do read his blog semi-regularly. I find most of his rants humorous and harmless. This one not so much. So I commented. Is this a problem for you? Would you prefer this to be an echo chamber for your and your friends?

      You're right though, T-Pain (love your work, btw). Me and the rest of the SJW cabal are all laughing about this over at the SJW HQ in downtown Portland while eating Kale bought at Whole Foods. You fucking got us.

    5. By your own SJW logic, aren't you a racist? You just used the name of a famous African American rapper as an insult. As if to imply that calling me an African American is an insult.
      See there's that SJW hypocrisy. It's ok because you said it.

    6. I am not going to say much

      I like your games Pundit. But your politics stink sadly.

      I have struggled to understand your ravings about left of centre / feminist/ anti racist/ pro - human rights individuals. ..those you and others call SJW. That I am in some kind of conspiracy with other people to ruin you/ destroy you.

      I honestly think the only person who is a threat to your career is yourself and your insane right wing conspiracy paranoia.

      This article was the most upsetting of yours by a long chalk.

      I am going to unsubscribe to your blog and leave you to it.

      I would encourage you to chill out and stop seeing threats to your creative expression everywhere. Others have a right to an opinion. And everyone should be able to live free from harassment and discrimination. ..thus WTF is wrong with Human Rights Courts? Why are you so angry about minorities (in terms of power) demanding fair treatment? What is wrong with stating an opinion that x is sexist? Or that there should be more inclusive representation etc etc?

      All of this is normal debate, argument, often coming from social groups whom have been historically marginalised and who are keen to feel included.

      I really despair at the tone of the article and I plead with you to stop printing bile and hate and take a good look on the mirror.

      Yours in sadness

      Ben F from the People's Republic of Brighton and Hove

    7. I really resist using the term 'SJW', actually. I sometimes find myself forced to because it has become ubiquitous and because it is an acronym made for Twitter (low character count). But it's totally misrepresentative of the problem: these people aren't 'warriors', they're thieves. And they aren't fighting for 'social justice', they're CALLOUSLY MANIPULATING social justice issues they care nothing about to achieve their own ends of personal power. They're scum BECAUSE of what they do in the false name of social justice.

      People definitely have a right to an opinion. They do not have the right to censor mine. Or my work. And the difference between me and the people you defend is that I do not want to censor anyone and they definitely want to censor and silence me.

      And incidentally, actual COURTS that deal in human rights cases using RULE OF LAW are fine. Wonderful, even! But Kangaroo Courts that are set up to circumvent rule of law by removing protections against false accusation and burden of proof are abominations that cause INJUSTICE.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. (Deleted the above post as there was no way to correct the spelling after it had been posted. Posted the corrected content below.)

    The use of "Rape" is the Progressive equivalent of the spell "Power word Kill".

    Unless you are a veteran of the Culture Wars and familiar with Progressive debating tactics the claims of rape, being raped, rapey, etc still wield extreme emotional power over of those who read of such “reports”.

    Our natural instinct, be we men or women, is to by default believe the person who states they have been raped, be it physically or metaphorically. Rape is such a brutal and heinous crime it elicits a primal revulsion in the overwhelming majority of people. Immediately garnering sympathy for the "victim" and hatred for the "accused".

    There is arguably only 1 crime more heinous (murder) and to many people rape is still the worst crime of all. It is because of this the Regressive Left and in particular 3rd Wave Feminists use it so frequently and frivolously. The sheer raw power of the claim is an extremely powerful weapon with they can wield with near impunity in the culture wars.

    To question even in the slightest fashion one who claims to have been raped is heresy, tantamount to supporting the rapist and blaming the victim for allowing themselves to be victimized. It is the perfect word weapon as it reaps mountains of sympathies for the victim and silences anyone who would question the victims claims for fear of being called a rape apologist or rapist themselves.

    It is their +5 Holy Avenger, their Vorpal Sword, their Stormbringer.

    1. Bang on Ian Wycliffe, right on the mark.

    2. Bang on Ian Wycliffe, right on the mark.

    3. You're completely right, Gwarh, but the thing to note is that the Tragedy of all this is that by engaging in this disgusting tactic, the Regressive Left has managed only to dilute the impact and horror of rape-accusation, to make it harder for REAL victims of rape to be taken seriously, and to generally undermine a terrible thing that obviously we as a society should be united against. By politicizing rape, by trivializing things like assault or harassment through diluting its definition, by weaponizing victimhood, they have betrayed actual victims and done near-irreparable harm to a REAL social justice cause.

  15. Why does this woman's story remind me of Ralph Wiggum? Ah, yes.

  16. You know Pundit, you've often made me think about my own politics and question some of my assumptions, and I also often find your persona amusing and challenging ... But here I really have to say something. I agree with several posters above in saying that this piece is tone-deaf, weird, and not a little creepy. Your delusions of persecution by the "Regressive Left" and their weaponising of rape accusations ... Seriously. This is too much. Not only are these anecdotes of misogyny not about you, I don't think they're that unbelievable either. EVEN IF the blogger is exaggerating, any of this is too much. I've lost some respect for you here. This is a pretty gross piece.

    1. So are you choosing to totally ignore the context and affiliation of the tumblr post's writer, her attempts to censor a gaming company and extort them for money, and the blatant identity politics/warfare ('white male terrorism') for the sake of frightening or guilt-tripping people into giving her power and money out of sympathy for her pro-censorship goals, or just plain dumbfuck ignorance? I'm curious to know.

    2. "Not only are these anecdotes of misogyny not about you, I don't think they're that unbelievable either."

      Somebody pointed out that 911 lines are not manned by police officers in either Canada or the USA, but civilian contractors whose calls are monitored, recorded and reviewed. That suggests that the phone call from the convention she recounts is fictional, if nothing else, and plenty of the details in her stories are dubious.

    3. The Regressive Left LOVES stories of things they think "should" have happened, whether or not they did. Look at Matress Girl and the Rolling Stone Campus Rape Article. There are SO MANY cases of fraud done by leftist activists to create fake accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia or rape; which they justify by saying that even if that particular case proves false, that's "probably like" the sort of thing that "evil white males would do", so its ok to fake it.

  17. "...because THEY are the ones who have made a mockery of rape by using it as a tool of verbal terrorism."

    Yes, that's something to consider.

  18. "...because THEY are the ones who have made a mockery of rape by using it as a tool of verbal terrorism."

    Yes, that's something to consider.

  19. I read the article the woman in question wrote. After the first two or three anecdotes I was appalled and thought "Holy crap, I'm so sorry for her!" Then I read the next dozen anecdotes and thought "Hold on a minute... this just doesn't sound right. She's been harassed and assaulted THAT much??" By the end, I wasn't sure if I believed her anymore. Look, I have three sisters and three nieces I love dearly, and I'd maul or kill anyone that treated them that way. I have in fact beat the crap out of men who were abusing women in my presence. I've known a regrettably large number of women who had a story or two of being raped or groped... but this woman proclaims DOZENS of such incidents exclusively at the hands of gamers? Sounds suspicious... improbably numerous and improbably specific in targeting. I've been involved in gaming since 1980 and I can't name a single person I've ever played with that I think would act as she implies. There have been a few jerks and a-holes, a FEW, but she's implying the hobby is FILLED with white males who rape, grope or severely harass any woman that comes into range, and that picture just doesn't jibe with reality for me. Most gamers I've known were decent fellows, and about half of them rather shy around females as many gamer geeks are. But while I've beaten the snot out of more than one jock or stoner that was harassing a woman, I've never yet seen an RPG gamer act that way. I am hesitant to call the woman a liar without proof... but if she isn't a liar, she must be an amazing statistical anomaly to have suffered DOZENS of such incidents exclusively at the hands of gamers... yeah, I'm dubious about her story. Most of it just does not ring true.

  20. Anyone who believes this dumb bitch is even more retarded than she is
