Thursday 19 January 2017

Cam Banks: Stop Pussyfooting and Implement the Final Solution

So over in this post, Cam Banks has stated that he will not hire straight white men for his next RPG project.

You might not be able to read that link, it's ok. I can't either. If you can't read it, it proves you're sufficiently public in your freethinking to be dangerous enough for the Ctrl-Left to want to stop you from seeing what they're doing.

Luckily, I have people everywhere. Here's a part of what he wrote:

"So if you are or you know women, PoC, LGBTQ/NB folk, designers and writers who have loved or still love Marvel Heroic, Leverage, Smallville, or Firefly, and you think they or you can handle my laid-back Kiwi management style and produce rock-solid shit-hot awesome work for me on a not-terrible schedule, let me know.

Drop me an email at with your enthusiastic vision. I want to help you help me make it happen.

He said we should feel free to share it, so I'm sure he'd have no problem with the information being reposted here. 

Cam Banks' ideological vision, in that article titled "Aggressive Inclusivity", is very clear.  But he's also a massive pussy. 
If the point of "Aggressive Inclusivity" is "get all the white straight males out of the industry", then why is the BOSS still a straight white male, Cam??

I challenge you, Cam: If you really believe the Ctrl-left attitude about how straight white males need to become extinct, because "straight white men are a big problem", then why the fuck do you still get to be in the RPG hobby? Worse still, why do you, the Straight White Man, get to be the one who is still IN CHARGE?

Do you believe that all those poor women/PoC/LGBTQIAN-BC are incapable of doing what you did and building up a business for themselves and becoming successful game designers on their own? If so, then surely you don't think it's because they're inherently inferior in some way, do you? Because really, that would mean you're a massive sick piece of shit, if that's what you believed.

I'll be kind and assume you do not just believe yourself superior to helpless minorities who you imagine would starve to death and creatively flounder without your guidance. If so, then if you believe these minorities are incapable of building up a business and becoming successful game designers on their own, it is surely because of the systemic injustice of Straight White Men LIKE YOU being the BOSS, being at the top, not giving room for anyone else to get into positions of real authority.

And here you are, asking women, people of color, and sexual minorities to be your wage slaves. You're pretending to pander to them without giving them any of the real power!  Jeez, Lena Dunham was right! What a SWM piece of shit you are.

If you really believe in the cause, rather than just wanting to profit off it like far too many evil white men do, and if you want to prove you're not a massive fucking hypocrite who's only in this to satisfy a smug liberal sense of self-superiority while patronizing and taking advantage of people you are only pretending you feel are equal to you, there's only one answer: you must step out of the fucking way. If you really believe in The Revolution, you must purify yourself and Quit The Hobby FOREVER. 

If not, you're just a cunt.

And hey, once you do quit the hobby forever, you should probably, if you REALLY REALLY believe in the claims of the ctrl-left version of 'social justice', go ahead and likewise resign from being alive. You know, because "straight white men are a huge problem" and they need to go and all that. 

Show us you're serious. Do it. Be a shining example to us all.  Make me eat my words and prove you're not just a smarmy self-serving hypocritical little cunt using race/gender/sexuality-baiting for cheap propagandistic purposes. Eliminate yourself for the cause, and I will apologize for calling you the hypocrite I clearly think you are right now, and you will be praised as a hero of the movement. 

Do it. 


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Volcano + H&H's Chestnut 


  1. Does RPGNow still have the Cortex Fan supplement policy? As a SWM, am I still allowed to work on that?

  2. According to Cam, he doesn't want to exclude anyone but he already has enough straight white guys on board. Personally I think the whole diversity thing is stupid (I would rather hire people for their skills rather than for being a minority) but isn't each and everyone of us stupid in some way.

    1. "Already has enough" = going by quotas rather than ability, apparently this means he decided there aren't enough american minorities with talent so he has to use a quota system to fill slots. Because the actual racist is Cam Banks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If it was me, what I would do is place Cortex Prime under a open content license. Recruit people who are marginalized and are interested in publishing RPG product. MENTOR them while they are setting our their project. License and give a good price break on big ticket items like art and editing services. Then promote the hell out of it. The end result is to release the product under the individual's own banner, with the individual retaining 100% control over any non-open content, with the profits going to the individual (or team).

    What this does compared to a work for hire relationship, is to TEACH individual the MEANS of pursuing their own vision of the hobby. Yes you can learn a lot by just writing or drawing art. But if you want true independence then you need to learn to take a idea from conception to a book (or PDF) in people's hands.

  5. I fully endorse this. It is EXACTLY how I felt when I read it. It stank of sleazy "used car salesman" tactics. With the ease of self-publishing, open content games, and lower cost development tools, it's not super prohibitive to make your own games. If you really want to help non-SWM people make it, create a fund that budding designers/publishers can draw from. Then help them get access to something like GPA, where they can learn and crowd-source marketing. Building people up is not done this way Cam. Or should I say SHAM.

  6. The fact that you cannot express yourself without using demeaning words like 'cunt' and 'pussy' illustrates the issue.

    For all the great work you've done on Dark Albion, its success is instantly invalidated by your vitriol. Unfortunately, you have an online personality to uphold, which up to and includes derisive language, incendiary antics and name-calling. It's childish, but kudos on the clickbait I guess.

    1. I believe this is what they would call "tone policing". I have heard worse out of the mouths of those who proclaim inclusiveness for all. If your criticism isn't on the content but how he says it, then you are part of the problem. Cheers on getting hate from both sides of the issue.

    2. Didn't you hear? Trump is President now. Your Word-Police have been disbanded, motherfucker.
      We're free again.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. RPGPundit didn't like what I had to say, so he censured me by removing my comment. Triggered, snowflake?

    5. No, Daniel, you tried to Doxx me, so I erased your comment that attempted to post private information about me.

    6. Excuse me? No, I didn't "doxx" you. That is an outright lie. Shame on you.

    7. How about you undelete the comment so people can see what I wrote? Otherwise, I can share a screenshot to prove that you're lying.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. You just did it again. Is being a scumbag the only tool in your arsenal?

    10. You are calling for another person to kill himself, and posting your name is what you call scumbag behavior.

    11. I'm suggesting he follow the dictates of his own side's rhetoric. If he really believes in it.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. I believe polite society dictates that we give our full name before asking for or using another's. Shame on you, and your hypocrisy.

    14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    15. The heroic ctrl-leftist at work. trying to 'expose' me so in the hopes that his buddies will attack my friends and family (in other cases, they'd also be trying to destroy my career or drum me out of school, but I'm immune to both of those).

      Daniel, you're a fucking cunt. A totalitarian piece of garbage. And it's so good that the worm has now turned, that you and your filthy kind are losing their grip on power, and it's ALL going to be taken away from you. Bitch.

    16. Also, in the ultimate irony, "Daniel Brown" is using a fake name to mask his identity while he tries to doxx me.

    17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    20. Classic Pundit. Free speech champion of the people. Unless he doesn't like this speech. I don't disagree that you are within your bounds to remove comments on your own post that you find objectionable (though doxxing you, he was not). BUT if this happened to you in some comment thread you'd be rabid.

      But, that's fine. Censorship is cool as long as you're doing it right? Remember, according to you, censorship doesn't have to be done by the government. Why, censoring comments is what a totalitarian would do, no? And like, they're just the worst, right?

    21. On a completely unrelated note, you guys should google rpgpundit and click on the third link.

    22. The only comments I ever remove from my blog are, like the above, cases where people post private information about me as an intimidation tactic in an attempt to encourage people to go after my friends and family members.

    23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    24. @Daniel: Posting his name is one thing because, unlike what the pundit says it's not private, but posting his address is going too far and is not cool. That's just asking people to harass him.

      Yeah, he can be a dick and he has earned a lot of the hate he has garnered but posting his address. Not alright.

    25. @RPGPUNDIT: Your information is not private. It can be found publicly by doing a whois on I am not saying that posting your information is necessarily right (and posting your address is WAY out of line) but it is not private.

      You can talk to your domain register about hiding the contact information. It might cost a few dollars but will hide that information from the public

    26. That isn't relevant. If I looked up your address, phone etc somewhere (or someone else's, like some forge author or feminist blogger or whatever) and posted it on my blog or on her blog or on G+ telling everyone to send her letters and phone calls, that would still be Doxxing in every sense of the word.

    27. And the hypocritical leftist cunts like Daniel would be calling me a monster for doing it, while they're going to be applauding him for what he does.

    28. I am assuming you are talking to Jason, since I am not defending the practice nor applauding him for doing so. Quite the opposite

    29. You were literally just defending him by claiming that because my information might be found on some phone book or registry it means it's 'public' and he can spread it around a dozen sites telling people to harass me.

    30. @RPGPUNDIT: No, I was correcting your assertion that your information is private. It is not private, it is very public and anyone can find it.

      I then even told you how you could go about hiding that information and that most domain registers offer that service.

      Since your reading comprehension is lacking I will quote what I said "@Daniel: Posting his name is one thing because, unlike what the pundit says it's not private, but posting his address is going too far and is not cool. That's just asking people to harass him. Yeah, he can be a dick and he has earned a lot of the hate he has garnered but posting his address. Not alright.."


      " Your information is not private. It can be found publicly by doing a whois on I am not saying that posting your information is necessarily right (and posting your address is WAY out of line) but it is not private."

      Neither of those support what he is doing, I was correcting your "Alternative Facts" about the information being private and telling Daniel that posting your address was OUT OF LINE

    31. So to you, someone who has a listed number/address in a phone book, or on any website anywhere, can no longer consider that information 'private' in the sense of having a right not to have people post it elsewhere for the purposes of harassment? Is that what you mean by "alternative facts"?

      The fact is that little pussy (who doesn't show his face or address either and is using an assumed name) posted images, my address and my phone number, over and over again, in the hopes that people will use that to attack me and my friends and family. Whether or not that information is "hidden", it is PRIVATE information in the sense of being personal and not something to be publicly shared without permission, especially for the intent of attacking me or the people in my life.

    32. @Rpgpundit: Wow, just wow. You really just are not very bright are you?

      I only said that your information wasn't private because it can be found through public ways. I clearly stated on both of the two posts that I DID NOT AGREE WITH HIM POSTING THE INFORMATION.

      I will say it slowly so even YOU can understand this


      That's why I said "Posting his address (Your Address) was wrong, crossed the line and out of line. In no way is that supporting what he did.

      Posting your address: Wrong thing to do on his part

      Posting your Phone Number: Wrong thing to do on his part

      As far as the images I don't know where they came from so I cannot comment on that part.

      I will say that he is an absolute dick for posting your information (Whether we agree or disagree its public or private)and totally in the wrong and Daniel is just being a shithead troll

    33. I'm glad you said that unequivocally. But you get why it would annoy me that you're nitpicking over what you imagine to be your definition of 'private' when this fucker is all but inviting people to send me death threats or come to my door with them.

    34. @RPGPundit: I agree. And I condemned what he did, twice stating that it wasn't right because he was inviting people to harass you. We won't agree on whether its public or private, so I won't even bother with that part.

      Regardless of the shit you say and do, he does not have the right to post your information online (especially addresses, phone numbers and email addresses) for the purpose of harassment.

      I am not sure if there is a good way of contacting Google about it, because that could be against their terms of service and would warrant getting his account closed down.

      Talking shit to you or anyone else is one thing, opening people up to harassment is something even more serious. If someone gets your information and hurts you or someone in your family, they could be liable for that since they are the one who opened the door

    35. It's deleted now. That must make Pundit happy. Now there is nothing in the way between him and the high horse. Which he uses to tell people to kill themselves.

    36. Even the "rpg informer" has figured out that Doxxing is wrong. I've called it out on anyone who's done it, right or left. Only sad shits like "Daniel" with no brains to argue like a man have to stoop to it.

  7. Curious if he's going to pay them the going rate or less because he's giving them such an opportunity.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I should clarify that while I've never ever been excluded by people in the RPG industry due to being female, and I have actually never (that I can remember) been excluded due to gender from nerdom more generally, I have been excluded due to gender in other situations.
    That said, there's been times I've rather been tempted to grab onto opportunities where my gender would put me at unfair advantage, but, it just doesn't give me a good feeling, I'd much rather rise or fall on my own merit.

    1. Good!
      The RPG field is especially super-meritocratic, or at least it was until some of these 'inclusion' measures started allowing mediocre people to get coverage they otherwise would never be able to get.
      At its core, I think almost no gamer cares what gender or race or sexuality a game designer is. Only how good their games are.

  10. Folks should take extra care to not buy anything Firefly related from Cam's new company. He really hates Firefly as an IP, and I would not trust the quality of any such product he published. I'm kind of surprised he referenced Firefly in his announcement.

    Also, running a Kickstarter that sounds like it could depend on multiple freelance developers for core content sounds like a disaster bound to happen.

  11. I hope he pays his individual developers higher rates to make up for their class wage gap disrepency.

  12. Cam's being bigoted. Every bit as bigoted as the people he rails against. He's category ticking, rather than skill checking. That bodes unwell for any design house.

    Plus, given the way he stated it... why would anyone identifying as any want to work for him to fill some quota? They aren't being valued for their work, but for some label. Talk about patronizing elitism.
