Friday 20 January 2017

Trump's Wailing Protesters Gave Me SchadenWood

The day has come, in spite of Rosie O'Donnell calling for martial law and CNN expressing open fantasies about an assassin murdering Trump and Pence so that Obama or someone from his administration could stay instead.

Attention American ctrl-left cunts: DONALD TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT NOW.
There is no escape.
He is what you get for a decade of being totalitarian motherfuckers who treated our civilization with contempt, ordinary people with disdain, and freedom of speech as the enemy.

To quote my friend Allum Bokhari: Donald Trump is president now. And to think, all this could have been avoided with a bit more ethics in game journalism.

So naturally, today is the peak day of Schadenfreude.

You've lost everything now. You don't get to be in charge anymore. People like ME are in charge. Yes, that's right, be scared. Because I'm going to do the most terrible thing you could imagine to you: I'm going to laugh at you and belittle you and say mean things to you, and I'm going to make other people more free.

Donald Trump's victory is more than anything a massive Fuck You to the ctrl-left. The same gang of shitsucking meatsacks who were calling for the extinction of white people, or how Hillary should use executive power to arrest anyone who disagreed with feminists on the internet, or how government should force private businesses to hire 50% minorities, right up to the day of the Election.
And also the same gang of shitsucking meatsacks who wanted to control language, censor games, and blacklist game designers who dared to defy them in the tabletop RPG hobby.

You're done now, cunts.

The Age of Political Incorrectness is here now. Your bleating about triggers and micro-aggressions are irrelevant now, you gang of fucking pussies.

But I promise, you can still cry all you like about how offended you feel. Please cry. It gives me wood every time you cry.

Please make our memes come to life like this. I swear I got so hard on Schadenfreude alone when I saw this. This retarded imbecile of a woman wailing like a savage animal in her despair at not getting to control our lives.

I want to see you all wail with tears at how you don't get your way, like the moral toddlers you are. Please wail and scream and shout at our victory, because now you can't threaten us or make us afraid if we defy you anymore. We've taken away all your toys. You don't get to control what others do or what others say or what others can read or play or how others think.

We won. And we set everyone free.

So go fuck yourselves.


  1. What an ugly human being you've revealed yourself to be

    1. Nothing surprising here. Trump's propaganda has relied on the kind of paranoia and revenge fantasies The Pundit's been showing for years. I wonder how long it's gonna take for him to realize the big orange man-child is as much part of the Establishmeny as Hillary is and never planned on turning America into a Libertarian utopia.

    2. I've never seen someone throw a tantrum over his 'side' winning.

    3. This isn't a tantrum. This is triumphalist pissing on a grave.

    4. But please, give me more of your delicious tears to savor, bitch.

    5. Pissing on someone's grave is a tantrum. It would appear the fascist Zeitgeist has exposed an extreme character flaw in our dear pundit.

    6. No, a 'tantrum' is what you and all the other liberal bitches. It's that woman's autistic-screeching in the video. It's people writing filth about a 10 year old boy because he's related to Trump. It's firebombing limos and destroying businesses.

      You're the ones who can't accept that you don't get to have power anymore.

      What we're doing over here? It's called CELEBRATING, bitch. And we're celebrating that we're finally saving civilization from the likes of you.

    7. Roger that Scary Terry,

      "You don't get to have power anymore"

      This clears thing up quite a bit, the pundit seems to have been living in a thick haze of paranoia. Now he sees himself as freed from the tyranny of the 'Swine' or whatever conspiratorial delusion he's manufactured...'globalist' maybe.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Not sure what his teeth have to do with anything. I don't think we should respond to his lazy personal attack with the same.

    10. "Daniel" (not his real name) keeps right on trying to doxx me, showing what a scumbag he is and what a gang of hypocrites the ctrl-left are, and on top of that he's a liar.
      I'll have you know my teeth are in perfect condition. Never lost one (except the wisdom teeth) and never had a cavity in my life.

    11. I'm Glad your teeth are in good order.

      The pictures he posted however seem to have been taken at a public event and your name is a matter of public record so it's hardly doxxing, but I can understand censoring it on your own platform.

    12. The ctrl-left has wailed about the horrors of doxxing and called for prison sentences for people who posted 'public' information before.
      Somehow, it's just fine when THEY do it, though.

    13. 'Ctrl-left' in this case being a pejorative fiction like SJW I assume? The alt-right was actual coined by its members, better than Nazi man-baby I suppose.

      In any case those individuals were just as wrong about doxxing as you were provided similar context, tu quoque pundit.

    14. Ctrl-Left in the sense that "the ctrl-left is much more dangerous than the alt-right". The ctrl-left are the ones who want to censor me, ban speech, control thought, and believe they get to decide what's best for everyone. Fuck them, and fuck you.

    15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    16. So now this piece of shit going by the name of "Daniel Brown" has spam-bombed my blog, the same post over and over again across dozens of entries (now deleted) where he posted my address and phone number and encouraged people to send me harassing messages.

      The Outrage Brigade are nothing but total fucking hypocrites.

    17. What is your point Daniel? Beside ruining any sort of moral high ground for your position? Who cares what his real name and location is? If you think transparency is so important, why is your blogger account set to private?

    18. Because he's a lying little coward.

  2. Compared to the bastiches he's talking about, Punzie's damn near beautiful.

  3. Pundit, have you joined the Alt-Right? I ask in all seriousness.

    1. No. I'm a cultural libertarian.
      Of course, to the mainstream media everyone to the right of Mitt Romney are "alt right". And to the ctrl-left cunts in social media, everyone who doesn't agree with lena dunham that white straight men need to go extinct are outright Nazis.

  4. Never heard ctrl-left before. That's pretty clever and accurate. Yours?
