The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

A Couple of Quick Reviews of Cults of Chaos!

I'm short on time today, so I'll be continuing my blatant self-promotion by sharing with you a couple of things other people have said about Cults of Chaos!

First, we have a very short but interesting review from someone who is mainly a GURPS fan.  It presents the opinion that even beyond the OSR, Cults of Chaos could be fairly easily adapted to use as a great resource for GURPS fantasy or semi-historical campaigns!

Second, I might have posted this already but in case I haven't, Swords & Stitchery posted a commentary to the Savage GM's youtube review of Cults of Chaos.  Well worth reading!

That's all for today. Remember that you can buy Cults of Chaos on PDF from rpgnow, or you can get it in print from either Lulu or from Amazon!

And while we're at it, don't forget to check out the main book that inspired this great OSR resource:  Dark Albion: The Rose War itself!

Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Quiete + Peterson's Balkan Delight


  1. Yeah, I can see the reviewer's point about Gurps but I also think that Tim Brannan's review hits some high notes about Sorcerer's Crusade from White Wolf as well. Yeah,yeah, your not a fan of Storyteller Games RpgPunit but I do think he hits some high points about Cults of Chaos in his review.

    1. Oh absolutely. I already linked to that review in an earlier entry.
