The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Pictures From Uruguay

Here are some more pictures from Uruguay, since I'm short on time.  Time for some more street art.

This is a mural done outside a religious school. Possibly by the students.

This one isn't.

Here's one that was done creatively in a niche.  The imagery is a mixture of Carnival and the local afro-latin folk religion, which are connected to each other.

Here's the one next to it, which is more new-age, I guess.

Finally, a couple of more cartoonish ones:

That's it for today!


Currently Smoking: Lorenzetti Horn + Argento Latakia


  1. Good lord some of that is hideous. The big-eyed monstrosities are freaky.

    1. Well, those last two look like the kind of thing that a teenage girl would draw, I guess. Still, I never cease to be amused by the variety and the levels of technical skill found in Uruguay's street art.

  2. #Culturalappropriation definitly not appreciation :p

    1. Sorry, are you claiming I'm committing cultural appropriation of my own culture, asshole?

    2. Appropriation of what? Kimbo

    3. I think its one of those Jokes, people keep telling in the interwebs.

    4. Aw jeez Pundit, no not claiming that. My irony fail, the :p wasnt enough. My appologies.

    5. Ok, no problem. It's hard to tell these days when someone is being sarcastic or just being an SJW. They've become such a parody of themselves it was entirely possible you were being serious.

  3. The first one is on the Congregación Evangelica Luterana del Río de la Plata. Used to be an awesome place to go for Pipe Organ Concerts and Chamber Music, don't know now.

    1. Yes, that's right, it was right next to the Lutheran Church; I wasn't sure if it was connected to it or not. It's also beside a school; not sure if the school is connected to the church too.

    2. Right next to the left of that church, there is a house/community for the blind. I might be the only one to find that amusing.

    3. Bill the Elf, everybody!
