The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Monday 28 December 2020

The World of The Last Sun is now Available!

 Newly released: World of the Last Sun!

A weird gonzo-fantasy setting featuring locations, weird races, lore, random generators, equipment, drugs, encounters, skyships and more, for your #OSR or fantasy #ttrpg campaign!
In PDF, Softcover or Hardcover!

Get it now!

Tuesday 22 December 2020

SJWs Want D&D To Be Furry Cosplay Therapy

 The state of Wizards' D&D in the future will look less like traditional #dnd and more like self-esteem therapy for already-narcissistic spoiled children who want to feel "special" for doing nothing. 

Sunday 20 December 2020

Inappropriate Characters TONIGHT 7:30pm Central

 Tonight, at 7:30pm Central, check out our special Christmas episode of Inappropriate Characters!

We'll be talking about the latest #dnd #ttrpg & #OSR news and controversies! 

Thursday 17 December 2020

Dark Albion Overview!

 An in-depth look at my Dark Albion medieval-authentic fantasy #OSR #ttrpg setting!

Wednesday 9 December 2020

My 3000 Subscriber Livestream!

 At 7pm Central, in just a little while, I'll be doing a Livestream to celebrate reaching 3000 subscribers!

Join me where I'll be answering YOUR questions and talking about the subjects YOU want to talk about.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

How Real RPG Play is Better Than Storyplay

 When #dnd5e newb gamers are aghast about keeping track of arrows, it shows they've been taught wrong about the most fundamental underlying structure of what #ttrpg play is for.