The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Monday 8 June 2015

Dark Albion Cover Image Referendum Concluded: New Image Chosen.. With a Surprise

Thanks to all the people who participated these last couple of days in voting for which Dark Albion cover they liked best!

Now, over the course of the past days it became clear that a lot of people had some ideas about the surrounding borders, fonts, colour, etc.  Dominique Crouzet has listened to some of these ideas and already made some modifications, but the final production is yet to come.  So keep that in mind, the images I'll be showing you here are NOT the final cover images.

Anyways, the results are in and seem fairly conclusive.  The first cover presented got slightly over 50% of all the votes.  The second cover got somewhere over 35% of the vote.
So, while the first option was clearly the winner, there was also a substantial number of players who liked the second cover.  As a result, an idea emerged: Dark Albion will have TWO covers.

The winner of the contest will of course be the main cover of Dark Albion: The Rose War:

(note: again, not the final cover image)

While the runner-up will be available as a VARIANT COVER on Lulu:

I think both look pretty great, and both express two different sides of the elements that you will be able to use in actual play of the Albion setting.

So again, thanks to all who voted here, on theRPGsite, on dragonsfoot or on G+.

Stay tuned for more Dark Albion news!


Currently Smoking: Masonic Meerschaum + Image Perique


  1. A good solution. Can you say anything specific on the release date for the game yet?

    1. Well, if it was entirely up to me it'd be out today. But Dominique Crouzet, to his credit, tries to be super-meticulous about the editing process. So he's sending me a printed proof copy, for me to check and examine carefully, to make sure everything is good. With the time it takes for shipping, it means that it'll probably be somewhere around a month before the book is actually out for sale.

    2. So it'll be Dark Albion vs. Age of Sigmar. Harsh.

    3. What the hell are you talking about now?

  2. Awesome!! :D Variant cover for me. Bonus points for Lulu instead of Drive Thru, as the shipping options are much better for me here in Brazil.

    1. I love the second cover, especially in black like this. It makes it look super-sharp, I think.

  3. Is it Dark Albion or Dark-Albion as on the covers?

    1. What? No, it should just be "Dark Albion"! You're right.
