The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Some More Albion-Related Links!

Well, today I was going to post a little non-Albion related surprise, but it doesn't appear to be ready through no fault of my own.

Ah well, fuck it.

Here's some more Albion stuff!

First, we've seen Albion in Spanish, but what about Albion in French?  Apparently, the people of the land of Frogmen like Dark Albion too! Here's a French review of Albion. I've had people be offended at the "frogmen", but not one of those offended has been French.  The French seem to find it funny rather than offensive, and they get what it's a reference to (which isn't really the French at all, but the old English bias about the French).  Nice to know that Albion has some fans in France too, where no doubt they could play a great "Rebels against the Frogmen" campaign.

Second, a podcast!  The podcast "2 GMs, 1 Mic" were talking about Albion recently and I'd been planning to link it here. Check them out! They also talk about some non-Albion stuff, which you may or may not find interesting too.

So there you go, that's it for now. I'm off to a dinner party and hopefully tomorrow what I had planned to link to today will be ready.


Currently Smoking: Ben Wade Canadian + Image Latakia


  1. Just like how American Indians are not offended by a football team named "Redskins", or just like how Mexicans are not offended by Speedy Gonzales.

    1. Every latino I've ever met LOVES Speedy Gonzales! Though there's also considerable admiration for his cousin, Lento Rodriguez: he's the slowest mouse in all of Mexico but he always carries a gun.

    2. Why is it that the typical offended person is most often a rich white broad?

    3. They have no real problems and the free time to pretend to be outraged on their behalf?

  2. Regular people in progressive countries are not easily offended. Extreme susceptibility is found only in archaic cultures, or in regressive subcultures festering in some corners or our developed world.

  3. Interestingly, a French setting called Le Royaume des Légendes (Kingdom of Legends) set in 1415 AD France was released shortly before Dark Albion.

    1. Why is that interesting? Do you mean "coincidentally and in no way relevant to the topic at hand"?

    2. Being 13 bothers everybody who is ever 13. When you turn 14 you will find things changing.

    3. Yes, surely that is something you must be looking forward to with great anxiety.

  4. I seriously doubt anyone was offended.
    I thought it was kind of dumb to be honest, but not offensive.

  5. Thanks for the shoutout, Pundit! 2 GMs, 1 Mic is my show.

    1. No problem! Thanks for talking about Albion!

    2. There will be more of that, I assure you!
