The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Sunday 13 November 2016

We Blew Up Your Death Star

So the people who are currently destroying American cities while demanding that democracy be suspended are actually, really convinced that they are the 'counter-culture'. They still believe they're the good guys.

People who are doing things like this:

And this:

And this:

Like I said in my article, the people calling for a revolution don't understand. There WAS a revolution. It was against you.

You, the leftists, are not the valiant 'rebels'.  You are not these guys:

No matter how much you want to wish you were; even if the idiots making that movie think you (and they) are those people too.


You are these guys:

You are the forces of conformity, demanding that everyone obey the dictates of your special elite.  What's more, you had ALL the power on your side.

You had on your side the entire DNC Establishment. The entire GOP Establishment (albeit under the totally sham cover of "NeverTrump" and the McMuffin campaign). The big banks and Goldman Sachs and all the other corporations you pretend to hate. All mainstream media: CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, the BBC, Al-Jazeera, Telemundo, and yes, even FOX. You  had all the archaic traditional media too: The New York Times, The Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal. The Economist. The Atlantic. Even the National Review. And of course "Heat Street", that bullshit fake-alt-media invented by Murdoch corp and run by professional Hillary-shill Louise Mensch.

You had ALL of academia across the United States from Pre-K straight to Grad Studies.  You had all the supposedly "most reliable" polling companies.  You had practically all mainstream "comedy", with the sole exception of South Park. You had pretty well all of Hollywood, and the music industry.

You even had almost all the supposed 'elites' of the Gaming and RPG hobby, in the form of #gamers4her, telling us that we had to vote for Hillary in spite of the fact that she'd literally proposed legislation to censor games.

You were in almost total control of all the traditional top-down venues of culture. And every one of them was telling everyone they needed to OBEY and vote Hillary, or they were awful sexists and racists and the world would end.

This was the political, social, and cultural machine you had backing you up.

You even had Amy Schumer:

And of course, Lena Dunham:

The Trump campaign? We were the Rebellion. A ragtag group that appeared to have no hope of winning against such an incredible machine of corrupt and terrible power.

All Trump had going for him, the only things on his side, were Wikileaks:

Many Bothans who died to bring us the information we needed:

An exotic alien princess:

A dashing scoundrel who could out-fly any blockade:

A wookie:

A weird green alien with mystical powers:

And of course the American people:

We even had our own (way less charismatic) Lando Calrissian:

And we WON. We took your Death Star, and we blew it up.

Until the Left realizes that they are not the counter-culture any more, but an incredibly arrogant, incredibly smug cultural Establishment that ordinary people DESPISE, they're going to keep right on losing. The Force is not with you.

And you marching through the streets calling for the death of white people or for Melania to be raped or for the election to be overturned, when you have all the cultural power behind you, all the sore losers of the Establishment justifying your bullshit?  That's not brave.

See this guy? This is bravery:

The REAL Rebel Alliance isn't going away.


Currently Smoking: Neerup Bent Billiard + Image Latakia


  1. You forgot to list Trump allies such as the KKK and American Nazi movement. But that would muddy your self aggrandizing fantasy, wouldn't it?

    1. There's only two groups of people who believe that the KKK/nazis are part of the Trump movement: the KKK/nazis themselves, and the Leftist that kept telling them so.

    2. They are people, they're gonna vote for someone. He wanted votes, he got as many as he could, and now he doesn't need them anymore. I can't think of any other way to guarantee winning all those red states against the might of the Clinton machine. I'm sure he knew what a huge risky gambit it was, and I don't think he would have done it that way if there was any other way. Now he needs to roll back the inflammatory rhetoric and bring us some positive changes. I think he's already starting. We're cautiously optimistic here in Vegas.

    3. If you're going to count who endorsed who, don't forget that the Marxists endorsed Hillary. And Marxism has killed at least a hundred million people, way, way more than fascism could ever hope to.

      And Trump at least repudiated those people who endorsed him. Hillary didn't bother.

      Still sure you want to go down that road of guilt by association?

    4. The entire alt-right sits comfortably with your bog-standard 'I'm not racist but..." crowd and people excited to tell you about "human biodiversty" which is totally not 'white supremacy'.

      The campaign could not have progressed but for their involvement

      If Trump does 'drain the swamp' after the fact that would be fantastic, I'm just not convinced he will do that.

    5. The entire alt-right sits comfortably with your bog-standard 'I'm not racist but..." crowd and people excited to tell you about "human biodiversty" which is totally not 'white supremacy'.

      The campaign could not have progressed but for their involvement

      If Trump does 'drain the swamp' after the fact that would be fantastic, I'm just not convinced he will do that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've seen Star Wars loads of time.

    I honestly don't remember when Luke Skywalker boasted about committing sexual assault , routinely stiffed anyone who did a job for him and set up a fake real estate school to rip off desperate people.

  4. Oh Pundit, once again you make an actually-reasonable point and then kill it with hyperbole, praise for nasty people and crass insults...

    1. I'm sorry you were offended by my depiction of Christie as a Wookie. It was a tough call on that one.

    2. I thought the Amy Schumer thing was pretty crass as she's not actually that big (and of course if she was, it would have been worse). But hey, it seems violating normal standards of civil discourse is the hallmark of your political tribe and is better accept that :)

    3. I didn't pick Jabba because Amy Schumer is fat. I picked Jabba because Amy Schumer is gross and slimy.

    4. 'A bit annoying' is the worst I can say about her, but hey. I do think 'I'll go to Canada if he wins...oh, no I won't' isn't the smartest move.

    5. I see that you were unable to raise any objection to my super-accurate depiction of Lena Dunham.

    6. No. Because likening a person to Jabba seems lazy. Comparing them to the Sarlacc, isn't (even if I'm well aware you were probably just calling her a cunt). In fairness to Ms Dunham, I'm unfamiliar with her work, but I'm sure she's a much better writer than I will ever be.

  5. There's a phrase I use in times like this: "At first they thought that they were fighting the Empire, but it turns out that they've become the First Order." This fits out the Pro-Hillary Crowd to a T. In fact, it's this group that inspired the True Order faction in Æthercoil, who took over the world by force and imposed a tyrannical rule.

    1. Oh by the way, you pretty much missed the point if you keep mentioning that Luke Skywalker isn't a pervert or a racist. Also, even if the skinheads were a factor, there's only at most thousands of them. There were millions of people rioting and demanding that the election get negated else they'll start burning the village.

      ...which already got burned by the half of the country that were kicked out of the village by the Democrats. How else could you explain why Trump won?

  6. Family stuff has prevented me from political blogging, so I'll just say this: the Empire elected Darth Jar Jar to be its leader, and now we all have to wait and see...

    1. Darth Jar Jar ha! Meesa grabs em by da pussies.

    2. Haha. BTW, finally got my blog post up.

  7. Please. You've got your Star Wars analogy all wrong. I get calling WHITE liberals, DNC-Democrats, and mainstream/establishment media the Empire, because they're the status-quo. But, a good chunk of those that were offended and turned off by both Clinton and Trump, that didn't vote (like 6-million or so), are hardly Imperials. They are still disenfranchised by their government, and now they have an empowered White-Nationalist movement gloating and rubbing it in even further. That's not the rebellion, that's the Galactic Republic being taken over by a Phantom Menace, your white supremacists and other white nationalists are the Clone army, and they have just back-stabbed the Jedi Order under Order 66 (sleeper vote winning the election). Trump is Palpatine, Darth Sidious. And the story happening now are the prequels. We just watched Darth Vader (Christian Supremacy) get born, and the beginning of the Empire.

    1. Oh please. Christian conservatives are going to have less influence in the Trump administration than they've had in any GOP administration in the last 40 years.

      And "White nationalists" have never had any real influence in the GOP (they did once, long ago albeit within living memory, have influence in the Democratic party, but that's another story). They aren't going to have any in this administration either.

    2. You believe that? I hope you're right. But I doubt that with Mike Pence, as hard-core of a Christian Conservative as you can get. And that staff he's putting together, those folks were the very reason Obama won, not once, but twice -- gross. I still think you're in Prequel era Star Wars. The Rebellion is only beginning. This new Era is the end of the Galactic Republic, and the RISE of the Empire.

      A lot of people aren't going to "wait", and "be calm", to find out if you're right about this. And don't act like there wouldn't be any riots, or worse, if the DNC/Dems got their way.

    3. Considering that protests by the Right so far this century have been hugely peaceable (the Tea Party, for example, even picked up their own garbage), while the left has frequently engaged in violent acts (like the riots at the G20 summits, and of course the current anti-Trump riots), I would say in all likelihood had the situation been exactly the opposite from how it turned out, the anti-Hillary protests would not have featured window-breaking, fire-setting and beating up on old people, no.

    4. And given Trump's recent statements regarding gay marriage and how he has no intention of pushing any kind of anti-LGBT legislation, plus how he's caused a bigger shift in GOP perceptions toward a more pro-LGBT stance this year than anyone had ever managed until now, I think that the fearmongering around Pence is pretty devoid of content too. Trump got conservatives applauding statements about LGBT rights, he posed smiling with a rainbow flag, and he had LGBT people (like Peter Thiel and Milo Yiannopoulos) made into HEROES of the Trump campaign (Thiel is on the transition team, BTW, while some people are pushing for Milo to be WH Press Secretary -though I doubt that one will come to pass, not because Milo is gay but because he's so combative), I would say Theocons should be more worried about Trump influencing Pence's position than vice-versa. To the ever-shrinking rump of virulently homophobic Theocons, it's Pence who looks like he's sold out everything they believe in. Of course, demographic studies for several years now have shown that even those Evangelical Theocon's own Evangelical Millennial Kids don't believe in their homophobic stance, so they're pretty much an endangered species at this point.

  8. From what I've seen so far, Trump is delegating everything having to do with the transition. Hardcore conservatives may actually end up running the country while Trump is happy being a talked-about figurehead.

    1. In what way is he "delegating" any more than Obama did in his transition, or Bush before him, or Clinton before him?

      Also, what are you defining as hardcore conservatives? Neocons? Theocons? Libertarians? Alt-right? Something else?
      If you don't know the different clans in the GOP Sourcebook, and understand what's going down, you probably can't write about them authoritatively.

  9. Nice piece. Yeah, they lose, they keep on losing, because they don't understand.
