The new and improved defender of RPGs!

Saturday 23 December 2017

Some Q&A For Lion & Dragon

So, here's a the first of many questions that have been coming up lately from early readers of Lion & Dragon: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying.

If you've picked up the game, or want to know more about it, send me your questions and I'll be glad to try to answer them!

Q: What is the difference between power levels of L&D characters and characters in old-school editions of D&D or other OSR games?

A: The main difference is that, generally speaking, at level 1 characters (note that play in L&D optionally starts at level 0!) tend to have more hit points than lv1 characters in other OSR games, but after a short while that flips around, so that a typical level 4 character  from L&D has less hit points than a typical character of that level in regular old-school D&D.

Also, each class will have unique advancement, because they roll randomly or select a bonus each time they level from the table for their class (they can either roll twice, or select once). These bonuses don't likely make L&D characters more powerful than their OSR equivalents, but it will make them different; there's some things they'll do better, and some things they'll do worse, than the average for that level in a standard D&D-derived OSR clone.

And characters in general tend to be a little better at doing whatever their class-niche tends to do. Because of the way the advancement tables work for each class, fighters will be vastly better at fighting than the other core classes. Thieves at sneaking and backstabbing and weird specialties, magisters will be mostly crap at fighting but will be valuable loremasters and have all kinds of magical tricks and toys. And Clerics will have miracles, plus enormous social cachet (as basically living saints).

Anyways, that's it for now. Feel free to send me your questions, I'll try to answer them.


Currently Smoking: Neerup Billiard + Image Latakia


  1. My main comment at the moment seems to be it is literally a prequel setting for dark albion in a earlier century. It expands the ideas in character section of dark albion to have more detail. Id possibly expand status to being like a sts with 3d6 and some more variation in spread. Looks pretty good so far and cults of chaos still probably a useful sourcebook

    1. It's not really a "prequel" as such. It doesn't have a setting, but the inherent setting of the book would allow you to play (without resorting to modifications) any equivalent to the era between 1350-1500. You could play the eras from about 1066-1350 and 1500-1600 with some modifications.
